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TOPIC: Evening Standard today...
Evening Standard today... 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
Much festivity last week as Le Gavroche celebrated 40 years in the business by inviting a smattering of favoured customers, chefs and critics to lunch. Food Spy's man on the scene reports : 'Michel Roux revelled in the fact that he hadn't asked Michael Winner or Jonathan King, a customer since the opening week, saying how King's two-year stretch in prison was "the most enjoyable experience of my life".'

Food Spy's man was... William Sitwell.

William was not only on my table but in the seat next to me.

Must have been VERY drunk not to remember our long conversation or the fact that Michel mentioned me fondly (with NO mention of prison) and to much applause!
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Re:Evening Standard today... 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
And from the writer of the piece to me today...

Hi Jonathan
Further to my previous email, I have just seen my edited column and must apologise for what has been printed. Very poor subbing has totally changed sense from the version I wrote . The finished article makes out that it is Michel's quote 'the most enjoyable experience of my life etc ' instead of yours. Thus making out that he revelled in not asking you to the lunch (and of course you were there) and your absence from the restaurant while in prison.

I am so sorry for these errors which totally misrepresented what I had written. I will also write to Michel.
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