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TOPIC: Free School Meals

Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
Am I alone in finding the idea that the Prime Minister will commit a u-turn on policy because of a footballer's social media campaign a touch worrying?

No one voted for Marcus Rashford. Why don't we just go the whole hog; dispense with the pretence of democratically elected Governments and let a combination of The Sun and Facebook form a perpetual Government?

And, no, I'm not a Man City fan. (Southampton, since you ask..)
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
Yes - to your first question: Dunno - to the second.

This is simply a case of a successful young sportsman lobbying for underprivileged children.

Having come from a very poor family himself - his mother frequently needed help to put food on the table.

Well done - I say.

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Green Man

Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
I don't get why people want the government to do everything. If you're able bodied or have the funds do it yourself !

I'm sure Old Trafford could be used as a canteen for poor kids. Footballers would pay for it just for the publicity alone.

If the schools are getting funds to give school meals then it's not FREE.

I wouldn't read the Independent or any any newspaper for that matter Wyot.
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
Yep agree Rashford is doing a "good" thing no problem with the cause. Just concerms me how we are increasingly run by media/unaccountable campaigns...
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
The reason it hits poorer people hard is...

If you go into supermarkets you can choose the cheapest ranges.
The shops seem to have replaced the cheap items with more expensive ones. (maybe to take advantage while people cant shop around, maybe to cover costs of distancing)

Normally you can choose different things from wherever they are cheaper, and nobody wants to go into multiple shops right now,especially with children.

Some items are still in short supply so instead of getting "savers" toilet roll you might be forced to buy Andrex at several pounds more.

You have to spend a certain amount to get a supermarket delivery.` This might be more money than you usually spend.

Not all items are available online (especially the cheaper lines)

If something is not available at the time of delivery it is replaced with another item, obviously more expensive if you have ordered the cheapest. (Asda charges you the lower price for better product, but they dont have all the value ranges online)

If you cant get to the shops often you tend to buy more "just in case" and sling it out when it goes off.

And this is without all the furloughing, losing jobs, less income etc, so lets just get the children fed and sort the rest out later.
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
Ok Ok! I'm not generally in favour of starving children so will humbly concede all points 😁
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Green Man

Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
There's probably a lot of element of truth that Honey, said.

I'm sure poor budgeting and people wanting stuff for free is a point maybe ?

I still don't get why people want the government to do everything for them, Marcus, should set up a charity with other players to help with funds to feed children over the Summer.
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
Green Man wrote:
There's probably a lot of element of truth that Honey, said.

I'm sure poor budgeting and people wanting stuff for free is a point maybe ?

I still don't get why people want the government to do everything for them, Marcus, should set up a charity with other players to help with funds to feed children over the Summer.

The reason why people rely on the government is because they don't have any other option. We pay National Insurance when we are working, in order to pay for benefits when we can't, so we shouldn't feel guilty when we need to claim benefits that are due to us. When you have an accident in your car, you don't feel a stigma when you claim on the insurance and so you shouldn't feel a stigma when claiming benefits. Many of the people on free school meals are working full time.

Personally I think more should be done to prevent people from having large families. Apart from the carbon footprint of having large families, you never know when your financial situation might change and you shouldn't have to rely on handouts from the government.

Premier League footballers should do more themselves. Marcus Rashford earns £200,000 a week, which is around 20 times the average annual salary in a week. The government paid the salaries of many staff of football clubs, whilst the players still trousered their up to £300k/week salaries.
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Green Man

Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
robbiex wrote:
Green Man wrote:
There's probably a lot of element of truth that Honey, said.

I'm sure poor budgeting and people wanting stuff for free is a point maybe ?

I still don't get why people want the government to do everything for them, Marcus, should set up a charity with other players to help with funds to feed children over the Summer.

The reason why people rely on the government is because they don't have any other option. We pay National Insurance when we are working, in order to pay for benefits when we can't, so we shouldn't feel guilty when we need to claim benefits that are due to us. When you have an accident in your car, you don't feel a stigma when you claim on the insurance and so you shouldn't feel a stigma when claiming benefits. Many of the people on free school meals are working full time.

Personally I think more should be done to prevent people from having large families. Apart from the carbon footprint of having large families, you never know when your financial situation might change and you shouldn't have to rely on handouts from the government.

Premier League footballers should do more themselves. Marcus Rashford earns £200,000 a week, which is around 20 times the average annual salary in a week. The government paid the salaries of many staff of football clubs, whilst the players still trousered their up to £300k/week salaries.

You're telling me staff were furloughed, whilst the fat cats at various football clubs did nothing but still got their weekly salary ?

If that's the case then the government shouldn't of helped out. I'm not entitled to benefits despite paying in the system and I couldn't meet clients either, I lost out due to lockdown.
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
Green Man wrote:
robbiex wrote:
Green Man wrote:
There's probably a lot of element of truth that Honey, said.

I'm sure poor budgeting and people wanting stuff for free is a point maybe ?

I still don't get why people want the government to do everything for them, Marcus, should set up a charity with other players to help with funds to feed children over the Summer.

The reason why people rely on the government is because they don't have any other option. We pay National Insurance when we are working, in order to pay for benefits when we can't, so we shouldn't feel guilty when we need to claim benefits that are due to us. When you have an accident in your car, you don't feel a stigma when you claim on the insurance and so you shouldn't feel a stigma when claiming benefits. Many of the people on free school meals are working full time.

Personally I think more should be done to prevent people from having large families. Apart from the carbon footprint of having large families, you never know when your financial situation might change and you shouldn't have to rely on handouts from the government.

Premier League footballers should do more themselves. Marcus Rashford earns £200,000 a week, which is around 20 times the average annual salary in a week. The government paid the salaries of many staff of football clubs, whilst the players still trousered their up to £300k/week salaries.

You're telling me staff were furloughed, whilst the fat cats at various football clubs did nothing but still got their weekly salary ?

If that's the case then the government shouldn't of helped out. I'm not entitled to benefits despite paying in the system and I couldn't meet clients either, I lost out due to lockdown.

Self-employed people were allowed benefits during lockdown, if they couldn't trade, and even in normal times they can claim Job Seekers Allowance if they are not working.
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Re:Free School Meals 4 Years, 3 Months ago  
don't ask silly questions.

You have a PM who thinks he'll save Britain's trading future by exchanging Marmite for Vegemite and sending Australia Boomerangs.

## Oh boy has he opened a Can of Worms with his Boomerang claim.

Expect major Indigenous reaction ..they've already seen of the Chinese who rip-off and manufacture fake Aboriginal items..and have the full weight of the law behind them.

Many moons ago I went to the opening of an art exhibition of works claimed to be by a famous (now deceased) Indigenous artist Clifford Possum (this stuff sells for $100Ks in the USA and I have agent pals who arrange France Aboriginal works end up in major museums).

Anyway Mr Possum was too late for his own show and I lingered afterwards in the street chatting when Clifford arrived..peered in through the windows at the gallery and burst in tears saying none of the art was done by him and were fakes.

Posh Gallery went bust within the year. Beware Boris- when they Point the Bone at you..powerful Aboriginal's the end.

## counting down to minute when Boomerang claim boomerangs back on Boris (geddit ?)
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