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TOPIC: Roses

Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
Just saw the pictures of the roses at your house JK and they
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Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
They are better with care and get pruned and so on regularly but the pink ones have been here since before me (40 years ago) and always blossom twice a year, sometimes thrice, with 200-300 blossoms.

They are so beautiful they stop traffic and have always had their own tourist fan club, usually Japanese with cameras!

The scarlet ones around my window and door are more recent (8 at present).
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Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
You were a very good looking fella in your youth Jonathan. Why'd it take you so long to pay your mum the 80 quid back?
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Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
What do you mean "in your youth" Chrissy?!!!

As for my Mum, I'm not sure I've finished paying her back everything I owe her yet.
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Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
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Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
OK. So we have the scenario of you and Daisy May waiting whilst Paul McCartney clunked together a tune on your piano. First off; how do you know it wasn't 'Yesterday'?; and secondly did you ever sus what it actually might have been? Fascinating stories Jonathan, brilliantly conveyed, and my GOD! what a great TV show your accounts would have become. Their loss!
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Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
Sadly Yesterday had been written long before that and was originally called Scrambled Eggs.

One day I'll ask Paul if he can remember which song it was and whether it ever saw the light of day.
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In The Know

Re:Roses 17 Years, 3 Months ago  
Which type of roses are they JK?

I've got Fragrant Cloud - very highly scented.
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