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TOPIC: Are you all off your rockers?

Are you all off your rockers? 4 Years ago  
WHO could EVER think that sending people who think they have covid to stand in a queue together is a reasonable thing to do?
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Re:Are you all off your rockers? 4 Years ago  
Absolutely and the madness is also (as, credit due, Trump pointed out) the more you test, the more infections you'll find. I'm certain back in March, when I got it for 4-5 days (I think), there were millions more who never got tested. If the same system had been in place then, they would find FAR FEWER cases now. And most are - and were - relatively harmless. Indeed; 99% found it a trivial virus, no worse than the common cold and, indeed, in most cases far less annoying.
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Re:Are you all off your rockers? 4 Years ago  
I wonder how the testing queue will be Policed from Monday when gatherings of 6 or more are banned?

Will they all receive £100 spot fines or if they refuse to disperse, be pepper-sprayed?

So hard to work it all out these days...

Still, least I can go to the office and the pub; places where the Virus has come to an agreement with the Gov not to spread.
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Re:Are you all off your rockers? 4 Years ago  
One shop has a one metre rule while others show two metres. The old popular habit of staring into phones when walking (seemingly oblivious to immediate surroundings) has returned.
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