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Are Boris and his "experts" right?
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TOPIC: Are Boris and his "experts" right?
Are Boris and his "experts" right? 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
Yes they are - if Covid19 - in all its forms - is truly a serious, nasty, lethal virus, killing millions globally.
No they are not if this is simply another nasty virus, as many have been in the past. If that is the case (as I suspect) controlling the spread is NOT the way to go.

Inevitable, though, if the road that has been taken (let's face it by most countries) is "slow the spread", that's a hard bus to get off.

For me it is all down to media hype from Day One. When this emerged in Wuhan it was deliberately exaggerated and almost everyone fell for the hype.
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Last Edit: 2020/12/19 19:17 By JK2006.
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Re:Are Boris and his "experts" right? 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
You see - stupid testing; if they tested everyone for flu or a cold, millions would be positive. So what? Multiply the amount of tests by the same as - say - the USA and China would have had even more deaths than America.

Can't people see this? People dying of suicide get listed as a Covid death if they tested positive a month before. It is INSANE!!!
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Re:Are Boris and his "experts" right? 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
Yep world has gone bonkers.

It struck me this morning that we are not hearing from any Gods in all this; or rather from their mouth pieces on earth? (We are very used to Gods not communicating with us).

If millions genuinely believe that God is omnipotent and interventionist, why are the leaders of churches not commenting on what he is up to and what we have done to reap this, so we can avoid all this next year?
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Re:Are Boris and his "experts" right? 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
One of my best friends is an experienced and long serving nurse at a very large hospital who also takes extra shifts in other hospitals in her area and she would strongly disagree with your attempts to trivialise this situation. I appreciate you are reluctant to ever change your mind but I suggest you ignore all media reports and speak directly to some people who are actually working in the health service if you want to get a true assessment of the number of patients suffering from and being treated for Covid-19 and the pressure it is putting on the nhs services and the staff. As I said she is experienced and as such can compare the current situation with prior years.
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Green Man

Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:
Yep world has gone bonkers.

It struck me this morning that we are not hearing from any Gods in all this; or rather from their mouth pieces on earth? (We are very used to Gods not communicating with us).

If millions genuinely believe that God is omnipotent and interventionist, why are the leaders of churches not commenting on what he is up to and what we have done to reap this, so we can avoid all this next year?

You could always start a religion Wyot.

Scientology is a perfect example.

Despite me only turning up to one meeting that ended up as a sales pitch and I declined I still get emails from various departments. I can get a Bible for free from various church orgs and still not get hounded. Scientology want people to buy Dianetics roughly £15 and go on a course for an additional £20 even then you won't go "clear"; unless you're a rich fucker

If you really lucky and polite you can obtain some free books which be about work and mankind but you will end up throwing both books across the room out of frustration.

Dianetics is cheap on Abebooks pre-owned but they want you to buy from them as it's "up to date"

L Ron Hubbard was a great fiction writer but that's how far I go - even Scientology have pulled out his book out of circulation on radiation because it's even too far fetched even for them.
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Re:Are Boris and his "experts" right? 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
"Attempts to trivialise"??? Really BB. Nobody could trivialise this appalling situation, entirely created by media hype and gullibles believing. I have spoken to three or four people who work in hospitals; they all tell me 90% of those in beds as "Covid victims" should be at home and are convincing themselves they need hospitalisation when they don't.
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
"Attempts to trivialise"??? Really BB. Nobody could trivialise this appalling situation, entirely created by media hype and gullibles believing. I have spoken to three or four people who work in hospitals; they all tell me 90% of those in beds as "Covid victims" should be at home and are convincing themselves they need hospitalisation when they don't.

I cant understand this at all, when we see people who are still desperately unwell being booted out of hospital too soon all the time.
What hospital do these people work in? And are you sure they are actually nurses there?

All I can think of is that maybe areas with hardly any cases still have designated covid wards so they shove anybody in?
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
..........they all tell me 90% of those in beds as "Covid victims" should be at home and are convincing themselves they need hospitalisation when they don't.

I will have to accept what you say in good faith but it isn't the situation that Anabela has told me and she has been on the front line since this first started. If I told her that I believed 90% of her Covid patients were convincing themselves they need hospitalisation when they don't she would probably put me in one of those hospital beds with the injuries she would inflict on me.
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
Green Man wrote:
Wyot wrote:

You could always start a religion Wyot.

Scientology is a perfect example.

I do think aspects of how Covid is being presented and reacted to has religious aspects to it.

Scientology - is that the one about Lizards running the Earth or is that David Icke?!

I do see the attraction about having all of life and how you should live explained and set out; like joining the army or a scientology sect...

Thinking for yourself/swimming against the tide can be exhausting.....
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Green Man

Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:
Green Man wrote:
Wyot wrote:

You could always start a religion Wyot.

Scientology is a perfect example.

I do think aspects of how Covid is being presented and reacted to has religious aspects to it.

Scientology - is that the one about Lizards running the Earth or is that David Icke?!

I do see the attraction about having all of life and how you should live explained and set out; like joining the army or a scientology sect...

Thinking for yourself/swimming against the tide can be exhausting.....

That's David Icke, Wyot.

However read the Scientology OT's online (probably outdated now) but it shows what they were like. Most of Scientologists are nothing but book sellers and chasing after potential leads to join their church ( all religions are cults).

Some of them are actually decent people who truly believe they are helping out their fellow man whilst others are too devout and damn right creepy and odd.

I remember my meeting it was some Sea Org member who mentioned all about Dianetics and what Scientology is but then it goes in to sales pitch of the latest editions of book and audio CD at a huge cost.

Hubbard said both Scientology and Dianetics will prevent fatal illnesses and diseases; he died in poor health with with around the clock care with doctors.
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Green Man

Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 9 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:

[/quote]Thinking for yourself/swimming against the tide can be exhausting.....[/quote]

Like this ??

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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
............I have spoken to three or four people who work in hospitals; they all tell me 90% of those in beds as "Covid victims" should be at home and are convincing themselves they need hospitalisation when they don't.

Previously I didn’t challenge the claim that you had genuine sources within the hospital network that believed 90% of the Covid-19 patients only require hospitalisation due to psychosomatic issues because your mind has been so closed to facts that aren’t in line with your assessments.

As mentioned earlier in this thread I have a good friend who is a nurse and have met several of her colleagues all of whom describe the situation differently. They certainly don’t agree with all the government actions or their PR statements but none claim or have heard anyone suggest that the people seeking treatment don’t have the physical symptoms of a respiratory virus.

You question everything in the media except the reports that might support your position. The below story published yesterday is not mainstream media but rather a healthcare forum and if there was any question about the condition of the patients it would be challenged by forum members who work in nhs establishments
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
Further to my "attempts to trivialise" BB. My point was that many Covid hospital patients have genuinely got serious symptoms due to media promotion. Their sniffles have become difficulty in breathing but not due to Covid but to their mental adaptation and panic. That's what my doctor contacts told me (this was during the FIRST "wave"). Both you and your contacts are quite entitled to disagree and I only make it as a suggestion. I simply feel media hype has more impact than you (and they) believe.
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Further to my "attempts to trivialise" BB. My point was that many Covid hospital patients have genuinely got serious symptoms due to media promotion. Their sniffles have become difficulty in breathing but not due to Covid but to their mental adaptation and panic. That's what my doctor contacts told me (this was during the FIRST "wave"). Both you and your contacts are quite entitled to disagree and I only make it as a suggestion. I simply feel media hype has more impact than you (and they) believe.

I don't believe that 90% of the hospital Covid-19 cases have been psychosomatically induced and made worse by media coverage.

If you do then we will have to disagree.
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Further to my "attempts to trivialise" BB. My point was that many Covid hospital patients have genuinely got serious symptoms due to media promotion. Their sniffles have become difficulty in breathing but not due to Covid but to their mental adaptation and panic. That's what my doctor contacts told me (this was during the FIRST "wave"). Both you and your contacts are quite entitled to disagree and I only make it as a suggestion. I simply feel media hype has more impact than you (and they) believe.

Do you mean we have manifested a virus?
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Re:Are Boris and his 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
No Honey; we have manifested a reaction to the virus, encouraged by media. Most of us (yes, even me) have reacted as though this is a killer plague and not a trivial virus (for the majority). I'm in that minority but also media panic inducing has made me more careful and obey stupid instructions. Most have convince4d themselves they are dying if they get symptoms; self panic - making symptoms worse; instead of just going to bed (as I did in March) and getting better, they rush to hospital. Most come back negative (having caught the damn thing in hospital which then makes them worse so they return to hospital, are then positive and get admitted).
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