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TOPIC: Nightingales
Nightingales 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
If only governments had ignored the media hype, seen the reality and spent the millions on protecting and treating care homes, prisons, overseas refugee camps.
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Re:Nightingales 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
You cant conjure staff from thin air, but you can train them up, you can shuffle beds around so less nurses and doctors are needed, and you can bring staff in from other countries.
If you really wanted to, of course.

Who believes this tripe?
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Re:Nightingales 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
Ever get the feeling the Gov don't actually believe all their own hype?

They have a little localised problem of bed space, which so long as they keep us locked up for 3 more months they should just about scrape through. No need to actually staff the Nightingales. And if it all goes tits up they are nicely set to blame the people for not following rules. Economic misery to come because of lockdown and Brexit: C19.

Been bloody handy this pandemic.....
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