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TOPIC: More Priti Pathetic nonsense

More Priti Pathetic nonsense 3 Years, 8 Months ago

She thinks it is reasonable for the police to fine people for having a drink in a flask while they exercise, which is now called a "picnic".

But they already established that a drink was not a meal when they were forcing us to buy food in pubs.

So a drink is a meal if it is consumed on a park bench, but not if it is in a pub?
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Re:More Priti Pathetic nonsense 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
She is just signalling to the voters that in a time of "crisis" she is strong as Boudicca against the Romans.

This is really all the one-trick bore ever does; and screw the details or ethics.

But this does tend to work well for Tory Home Secretarys. Just look what happened to Ken Clarke when he started admitting some light and shade in...
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Green Man

Re:More Priti Pathetic nonsense 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
Police state.
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Re:More Priti Pathetic nonsense 3 Years, 8 Months ago  
They have tied themselves in knots and are forgetting their lies.

When you have exceptions to the rule, nobody follows the rule because it means nothing.

IF it is unsafe to be within two metres of someone, unmasked, then it is unsafe. There cant be exceptions for nurseries, schools, travelling by plane (even high value flyers! ) sitting on tubes and buses, and appearing on talent shows, especially when you go on to bleat about the rising infection rates, as if it is a surprise.

And IF it is not unsafe, shut up and go away.
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