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TOPIC: Vaccinating people.

Vaccinating people. 3 Years, 7 Months ago  
We are told the purpose of the vaccine is so we can all move freely and go about our business as usual, except now they say we still have to follow restrictions after we are vaccinated, not just while the antibodies build up, but indefinitely.

What it is actually FOR then?
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Re:Vaccinating people. 3 Years, 7 Months ago  
Ah Honey I'm a big vaccination fan for years; with Flu, for example, if I still got flu it was far less serious (24 hours instead of 4-5 days). I'm delighted to have had this vaccine because, if I catch it (again) it should not affect me much even though I'm older and still diabetic. As for "spreading" it, like flu, I reckon if we are sensible we won't give it to others.
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Re:Vaccinating people. 3 Years, 7 Months ago  
I am a huge fan of vaccination too, but If I have it, why do I still need locking up for ever?
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