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TOPIC: Kill the Bill
Kill the Bill 3 Years, 5 Months ago  
Concentrating on the violence (as media and police always will) they manage to avoid the reality - that a huge percentage of people dislike the way the Government is behaving.
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Re:Kill the Bill 3 Years, 5 Months ago  
The media do seem to be giving the Gov an easy time considering the past year and this bill. I'm not sure if this is design or accident or a bit of both.
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Re:Kill the Bill 3 Years, 5 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
Concentrating on the violence (as media and police always will) they manage to avoid the reality - that a huge percentage of people dislike the way the Government is behaving.

I am not usually convinced by conspiracies, but it seems suspicious that they showed exactly why the bill they were demonstrating against is needed, doesn't it?
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