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TOPIC: Sir David Amess MP
Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
They will do it again. Our STUPID species will now make a drama (and spend millions) on "protecting MPs". It doesn't matter that he was an MP just as it doesn't matter that George Floyd was black or that Sarah Everard was a woman. The problem is - something has gone badly wrong with our species. In fact I find it insulting that a black 16 year old stabbed to death going to school usually gets one line in a local paper (unless someone can turn it into a great media story). Is FAME all that matters? Either the victim was famous or can be turned - dead - into a celebrity? It all detracts from the real problem. Why are loonies doing more and more mad things? Norway. America. China. Bonkers human beings - WHY? That's what needs sorting out.
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Green Man

Re:Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
The media don't care about black on black crime, it's normally gang related yet the BLM people go silent on that as well.

Chicago now have first aid kits on every street corner and in building now. The shootings are wild now, the police are outnumbered and paramedics can't be everywhere at once.

Trying to heal a bullet wound without knowing what you're doing can be fatal. You be doing more more harm to yourself.
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Re:Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
Black kids on housing estates 0
Middle class white MPs 1

BBC racist?

Odds slashed...
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Re:Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
STUPID Home Secretary and STUPID media say "understandably" everyone must look at protecting MPs. Millions will be spent on Inquiries and Reports. Bollocks. We must look at why more and more human beings are killing other human beings and why police are concentrating on the wrong priorities and why simplistic policy makers fall for the STUPID media exaggeration and simplistic story every time.

Or we'll have another Covid soon. Or another Brexit. Or another Trump. Or another spoon faced Scandinavian tabloid headline woman.

Or another death of another human being that is of no interest to the gullible majority because they have become incapable of thinking in depth.

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Re:Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
Let's apply occam's razor: he was an islamic fundamentalist, it seems. The clearest explanation is that he did this for religious reasons: he killed for God. Let's discuss the harm medieval supersticious belief systems cause. We won't, of course, because we might offend someone; heaven for forbid!
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Re:Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
The MPs want more protection to protect themselves personally and sod everybody else.
I really don't know why we are surprised.

When we pay MPs whatever they decide the "living wage" is instead of the current allowance, we will attract fewer self centred dolts.
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Green Man

Re:Sir David Amess MP 2 Years, 11 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:
Let's apply occam's razor: he was an islamic fundamentalist, it seems. The clearest explanation is that he did this for religious reasons: he killed for God. Let's discuss the harm medieval supersticious belief systems cause. We won't, of course, because we might offend someone; heaven for forbid!

The late and great Dave Allen said a great thing.

"I'm an atheist, thank God"
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