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TOPIC: My letter to the CEO of RBS
My letter to the CEO of RBS 2 Years, 9 Months ago  
Dear Alison Rose,

I cannot tell you how delighted I am to see that NatWest, the worst bank in the world, has been fined £265 million.

After being a loyal customer for over 60 years, with never one day of overdraft which, I do understand, is irritating as banks make a fortune from charging interest, I and my companies were unceremoniously dumped for no reason a couple of years ago.

I spent a month shifting hundreds of thousands to other banks, changing direct debits, notifying clients and wasting days when I should have been sunbathing.

I discovered NatWest are notorious for doing this. Many lives have been ruined.

I have, since being dumped, managed to persuade several dozen of your customers to move to better banks (all banks are better than NatWest) and, by campaigning online, hopefully have dissuaded hundreds of other potential fools.

I see your ghastly bank was happy to launder money for Fowler Oldfield at almost the exact same time as dumping me. What an appalling organisation. Thank heavens Karma has kicked in. I do hope worse is to come.

Best wishes
Kenneth (Jonathan) King
Customer since 1965 until dumped in 2020.
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Relton Mobray

Re:My letter to the CEO of RBS 2 Years, 9 Months ago  
Ironic that the taxpayer unfortunately owns over half of this bank.

After it was bailed out to the tune of £45 billion, in the 2008 debacle.

Essentially we, the taxpayers, are stumping up over 54% of the fine.
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Green Man

Re:My letter to the CEO of RBS 2 Years, 9 Months ago  
Relton Mobray wrote:
Ironic that the taxpayer unfortunately owns over half of this bank.

After it was bailed out to the tune of £45 billion, in the 2008 debacle.

Essentially we, the taxpayers, are stumping up over 54% of the fine.

We, the payers, have been bailing out the banks, government and other dodgy stuff for years. The government hate us until they it's election times.

Useless bastards the lot of them.

I thought Labour were for the working classes and NHS now there will be exodus of care workers.
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