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TOPIC: Liz Truss
Liz Truss 2 Years, 1 Month ago  
Tort she Taw a Puddy Cat
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Last Edit: 2022/07/29 10:52 By JK2006.
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Green Man

Re:Liz Truss 2 Years, 1 Month ago  
Liz Truss is not that cute, I don't think Liz is even cute at all.

She will be another puppet. Bohemian Grove meetings are set to finish soon ! Even though Liz can't go as it's a men only club they will certainly influence her.
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Re:Liz Truss 2 Years, 1 Month ago  
I really cannot stand this woman who has risen like scum without ever doing anything well. I thought May was awful both as Home Secretary and as PM. I though Boris was bad - his Brexit deal was terrible - but brought down for all the wrong reasons. Yet Truss is worse than both.
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