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TOPIC: So true
Green Man

So true 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
We live in a police state, trying to find or talk to a decent officer for hotel burglary or house burglary is non-existent.

The police pick sides and go for easy pickings like a driver slightly drifting over 30 mph or dead celebrities.

Don't carry the Union flag or the St George outside if you're English...police have you in cuffs and dub you racist with zero evidence.
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Re:So true 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
I think if you had lived in a Police state GM you might not say this, but I do agree our Police are in a dreadful muddle politically about what to Police or not. It is the hypocrisy that gets to people.
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Green Man

Re:So true 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Oh, Wyot sweetheart.

The UK is police state especially England.

Try speak against the wrong religion, post the wrong meme, moon at speed camera. The police will destroy you.

However, try and report a hotel theft in Bournemouth, they won't do nothing.
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Re:So true 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:

Try speak against the wrong religion, post the wrong meme, moon at speed camera. The police will destroy you.

No they won't GM. Not destroy. That is what the Stasi would have done. That is my point.

There is definitely a creeping and problematic judgmental censorship in public life and media - which is curtailing free speech in certain areas. If this is what you mean, I agree.

But Police State oh come come GM!

I am free today to pop into London and stand outside Westminster with a "Tories Out" placard and my life will continue. Twitter is full of bile against the Prime Minister and Government and I don't believe these posters are being dragged away in the middle of the night...

If we use terms like Police State too loosely it allows authoritarianism to grow and before we know it we WILL have a Police State because no one realised anything new was happening.
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Green Man

Re:So true 11 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Wyot wrote:
Green Man wrote:

Try speak against the wrong religion, post the wrong meme, moon at speed camera. The police will destroy you.

No they won't GM. Not destroy. That is what the Stasi would have done. That is my point.

There is definitely a creeping and problematic judgmental censorship in public life and media - which is curtailing free speech in certain areas. If this is what you mean, I agree.

But Police State oh come come GM!

I am free today to pop into London and stand outside Westminster with a "Tories Out" placard and my life will continue. Twitter is full of bile against the Prime Minister and Government and I don't believe these posters are being dragged away in the middle of the night...

If we use terms like Police State too loosely it allows authoritarianism to grow and before we know it we WILL have a Police State because no one realised anything new was happening.

If I saw an officer, I told him he looks like a gay friend of mine. The police be at my house Wyot.

Free Speech is a myth also.
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Green Man

Re:So true 11 Months, 2 Weeks ago  
The police have lost control, respect and their spine. Trying to get a copper turn up to a burglary or for them to call you is impossible. Call them out or wave a flag, they will be on your back.

My sister and brother in law had a robbery in their hotel room recently in Dorset.

All they got was a police reference number and the hotel manager swept it under the rug.

I have been burgled twice, on both occasions I was told by Sergeant's, to have look online or go to car boots and and buy back my property.

So are we unpaid coppers now?

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