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F.B. Paulette Brown: Again US votes AGAINST U.N. call for immediate ceasefire
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TOPIC: F.B. Paulette Brown: Again US votes AGAINST U.N. call for immediate ceasefire
Whole Truth (not Barmy)

F.B. Paulette Brown: Again US votes AGAINST U.N. call for immediate ceasefire 6 Months, 1 Week ago  
The U.S. again votes against a U.N. resolution for an immediate ceasefire to stop the deliberate slaughter of civilians in Gaza.

Inhuman and disgusting but no surprise from the funder and armer of the brutal Israeli apartheid regime; de facto the U.S. main middle-East base.

Driven by insatiable Global greed (quote, U.S. War Hawk Rumsfeld "Our interests") with 800+ military bases worldwide by illegal invasion, bribery etc - the U.S. is immune from international laws and accepted norms, such as the ICJ which it doesn't even recognise.

And, deviously operating a Banks, Media, Military corporate-autocracy falsely masked as a 'Free Democracy' (confirmed by Princeton University 2014 survey) this makes the U.S. the real cause of fundamentalist capitalist terrorism Worldwide.

While Russia, Iran, N.Korea have local not Global claims, and China, BRICS and the emerging economies are trading-not-invading. The U.S. will never willingly accept a multi-polar world, and it can never be militarily defeated.

But most empires crumble from within because of Global over-spend and over-reach, and there are clear signs of that process starting in the U.S.A. Humanity can only hope it happens sooner rather than later.

Meanwhile, to help save Gaza's desperate civilians, please support BDS/Boycott Divestment Sanctions on U.S.-backed Israel.
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Re:F.B. Paulette Brown: Again US votes AGAINST U.N. call for immediate ceasefire 6 Months, 1 Week ago  
Whole Truth (not Barmy) wrote:

But most empires crumble from within because of Global over-spend and over-reach, and there are clear signs of that process starting in the U.S.A. Humanity can only hope it happens sooner rather than later.

To be replaced by what exactly WT? This is schoolboy nonsense.

If it weren't for the US empire (as well as Russians in Stalingrad) we would have been over-run by Nazis in the mid 20th century. When the Roman empire crumbled after 800 CE Britain and Europe reverted to the dark ages for centuries.

I am sickened by the US veto this week and equally the UK's abstention; but don't be so naieve.

The end of the US empire will not herald a new Eden for humanity. Indeed, it is more likely to prove it's end. Stop treating so lightly the freedoms that allow you to write what you do (or rather post others freely written material).
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