Dave Clives wrote:
hedda wrote:
These amounts are never paid. OJ Simpson has never paid a cent to the Goldman family of the man he is accused of killing despite them being awarded $$ millions.
I wish I knew what Trump's policies are..he keeps them secret.
Perhaps he would have handled the Israeli / Hamas matter differently.
OJ hid his money... be a bit harder for Trump too with so many obvious assets.
Prince Andrew certainly paid up...
OJ had to relinquish his rights to his book "If I Did It" before release as it was a tangible asset, which the Goldman family then published, changing the title to "If I Did It - Confessions of a killer."
I read of half of that book, it is garbage. No doubt ghostwritten.
It reminded me of a report, a kid at school had to write. To explain how he got in to a fight and he badly beat up a kid. It was the other lads fault despite the latter having a busted lip and black eye.
OJ, lacked remorse when was on trail and showed a lot of arrogance. The glove still fitted and he made a fist. The glove didn't have properly in the first place.
It makes you wonder if Prince Andrew has paid out more women.
I believe Michael Jackson did some inappropriate things but it wasn't 2 lads in Finding Neverland.