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TOPIC: Trump - $83 million
Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
for denying an allegation? More madness. The Judge and Jury are clearly influenced by media reports of his enormous wealth. The global justice system has broken completely. Whether or not you like Trump (I don't) or agree with his policies (I don't), the way he's being persecuted is appalling and anyone with a brain cell must hope he gets elected President again and can pass laws outlawing this kind of Using the law to Break the law.
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Green Man

Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
The judge's and jury have always been scared of the media in the America. The UK has followed suit.
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Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
These amounts are never paid. OJ Simpson has never paid a cent to the Goldman family of the man he is accused of killing despite them being awarded $$ millions.

I wish I knew what Trump's policies are..he keeps them secret.

Perhaps he would have handled the Israeli / Hamas matter differently.
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Dave Clives

Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
Certainly more money than you've ever had to your name eh JK. Then again if you hadn't spent so much dosh buying your own records to get them into the (mostly lower regions of the) charts, things might have been a bit different and you wouldn't even know what aromat is...
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Dave Clives

Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
hedda wrote:
These amounts are never paid. OJ Simpson has never paid a cent to the Goldman family of the man he is accused of killing despite them being awarded $$ millions.

I wish I knew what Trump's policies are..he keeps them secret.

Perhaps he would have handled the Israeli / Hamas matter differently.

OJ hid his money... be a bit harder for Trump too with so many obvious assets.

Prince Andrew certainly paid up...

OJ had to relinquish his rights to his book "If I Did It" before release as it was a tangible asset, which the Goldman family then published, changing the title to "If I Did It - Confessions of a killer."
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Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
hedda wrote:

I wish I knew what Trump's policies are..he keeps them secret.

I think his policy is singular: advance the cause of Donald Trump by appealing to the shittiest instincts human beings can harbour and to hell with the fucking consequences...
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Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
Much as I loathe the man the sums of money are utterly, utterly absurd. It does none of us any good to monetise the justice system...
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Green Man

Re:Trump - $83 million 1 Year ago  
Dave Clives wrote:
hedda wrote:
These amounts are never paid. OJ Simpson has never paid a cent to the Goldman family of the man he is accused of killing despite them being awarded $$ millions.

I wish I knew what Trump's policies are..he keeps them secret.

Perhaps he would have handled the Israeli / Hamas matter differently.

OJ hid his money... be a bit harder for Trump too with so many obvious assets.

Prince Andrew certainly paid up...

OJ had to relinquish his rights to his book "If I Did It" before release as it was a tangible asset, which the Goldman family then published, changing the title to "If I Did It - Confessions of a killer."

I read of half of that book, it is garbage. No doubt ghostwritten.

It reminded me of a report, a kid at school had to write. To explain how he got in to a fight and he badly beat up a kid. It was the other lads fault despite the latter having a busted lip and black eye.

OJ, lacked remorse when was on trail and showed a lot of arrogance. The glove still fitted and he made a fist. The glove didn't have properly in the first place.

It makes you wonder if Prince Andrew has paid out more women.

I believe Michael Jackson did some inappropriate things but it wasn't 2 lads in Finding Neverland.
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