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TOPIC: Hamas/Israel
Hamas/Israel 6 Months ago  
I don't trust either of these terror groups. It wouldnt surprise me at all if some workers in a Gaza charity were active terrorists. Nor would it surprise me if Israel were conducting appalling acts of terror under various disguises. Hamas should repatriate all hostages NOW and should accept Israel as a state. Israel should stop bombing and killing NOW and allow (even HELP) Gaza to rebuild. And the UN should demand both these NOW!!!!!!!
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Whole Truth (not Barmy)

Re:Hamas/Israel 6 Months ago  
JK wrote, "And the UN should demand both these NOW!!!!!!!"

Since post-WW2 militaristic US co-launched the U.N. it has been their powerless Gov Puppet.

63 years ago, Jan '61 outgoing True Pres Ike, "Beware the Military Industrial Complex acquiring unelected power (via corrupt Congress lobbies)."

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Re:Hamas/Israel 6 Months ago  
Whole Truth (not Barmy) wrote:

Since post-WW2 militaristic US co-launched the U.N. it has been their powerless Gov Puppet.

Thanks for again revealing the "whole truth" so clearly WT...
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Re:Hamas/Israel 5 Months, 4 Weeks ago  
I see a number of Israeli cabinent MPs and Netenyahu cohorts held a public meeting examining the notion of Israeli settlements being created in Gaza, a long held suspicion of Palestinians.

I can't believe they are contemplating this ..the idea of an Israeli holiday resort built on the deaths of 12000 children.

My mother was very non-religious but was a fierce opponent of what she called "blood money". Every penny received had to be honestly earned or procured, every gift received had to have an honest provenance (ironically she worked as a private eye sussing out insurance frauds and such). She taught us over and over dishonest money is soon lost.

I feel for Israeli citizens..there must be millions who can't wait to get rid of Netenyahu and his crew.
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