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TOPIC: Farmers protests in London
Green Man

Farmers protests in London 4 Months ago  
Just a reminder to the Met Police they will not accept your free hot drinks or blankets like you do with JSO who paid by the establishment.

I bet the police will try rip off the Union and St George flags of their tractors.

Also farmers are used to having sort out crime on their own because the police are fucking useless on rural crime. They dish out crime ref numbers like they are raffle tickets.

Police need to stick to Macarena dacing, stiching up old poofs, planting evidence and making money from's all they know minus killing innocent young women.

Also many farmers' daughter's know how to fight back and can lift up cars.
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Re:Farmers protests in London 4 Months ago  
I assume by "old poofs" you are including me GM - it was Surrey Police and Max Clifford, not the Met.
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Green Man

Re:Farmers protests in London 4 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I assume by "old poofs" you are including me GM - it was Surrey Police and Max Clifford, not the Met.

Police are police no matter what JK, they are all the same. (minus the band of course)

JK, Harvey Proctor are examples. I don't know much about Russell Harty. I was a teen in America (mostly New York) in the 80s, but I did read that media tried to set him up with rent boys with wire tapping shit.

When I was in New York City and seeing daft old queens, poofs and creepy men trying chat me up was part of every day life for me.
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Re:Farmers protests in London 4 Months ago  
I couldn't read beyond the illiterate opening line: "A huge army of tractors have descended on London..."

A national daily. Good grief...

As for farmers daughters and "old poofs"; I know little about either, so will leave it there.
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Green Man

Re:Farmers protests in London 4 Months ago  
Wyot wrote:
I couldn't read beyond the illiterate opening line: "A huge army of tractors have descended on London..."

A national daily. Good grief...

As for farmers daughters and "old poofs"; I know little about either, so will leave it there.

Oh, get you!
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