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TOPIC: A&E deaths - lockdown!

A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
On Radio 4 this morning I learned that it is estimated (and conservatively) that 250 people die in the UK a week because of delays attending A&E. How many years has this been going on? Surely we need to lockdown the country on just Saturday (to start with, at least) nights?
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Green Man

Re:A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Never forgive or forget, the MPs try and pretend lockdown never happened or a thing of the past. The damage it caused will last generations, the new generations will be depressed because their parents are depressed. The lack of social skills people now is now ape which is just agressive, even kids now have picked up terrible speech habbits and problems, even smaller kids speak with a slight American accent, because they watch too much Yankee content online, then again even kids cartoons have American accents.

Kier Starmer wanted a tougher lockdown like in China.
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Re:A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
I know GM there is so much in the news currently about the mental health of a generation of children being totally fucked by lockdowns. It is unforgiveable, actually. I'm so glad mine were younger when it happened.
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Green Man

Re:A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Wyot wrote:
I know GM there is so much in the news currently about the mental health of a generation of children being totally fucked by lockdowns. It is unforgiveable, actually. I'm so glad mine were younger when it happened.

I can't even imagine what parents and kids went through during lockdown. Kids needs things to do and be social. Playing video games and being shielded all day for 2 years is cruel.

I bet teachers enjoyed the time off and hosted swinging parties inside the schools.

Parents were at home also trying to think of things do without being grassed up by neighbours. Not everyone has a garden and poor kids live in tower blocks or tiny flats.

I like to know what you did Wyot to keep your children happy during lockdown.

What saddens me also I bet parents and children were arguing over the smallest thing and exchanging blows or throwing insults. Then go upstairs and be back to square one.

Lets not forget Dr Jones telling to wear masks whilst swimming in the sea and beach. I can't think of a better place to get fresh air is by the coast. At the same in a studio unmasked. The media were laughing at us from day one. I am unvaxxed got Covid (twice) and still living.

Dom Cummings had a nice drive and he became public enemy. The British police were acting the Schutzstaffel and dishing out fines and arresting people. Old people were used as guinea pigs.

One daughter I have has mental age of a young teen. I worry when when we get even more older or even die who will look after her like we do.

She tells people she has 4 parents, I am pretty much the sperm donor but she loves my partner to bits and calls her 'mom'.

I even get on with my ex's current husband, he was scared when I came to the scene because he raised both girls from young and thought I would take them away. I have told him he is the Father.

Chris Witty didn't tell Boris or Starmer did he they both had parties.

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Re:A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:

Parents were at home also trying to think of things do without being grassed up by neighbours. Not everyone has a garden and poor kids live in tower blocks or tiny flats.

I like to know what you did Wyot to keep your children happy during lockdown.

Prioritised them, basically. Being present with them, outdoors as much as possible. Creative stuff, encouraged them to write and illustrate own stories etc etc. Put on plays. "Olympics" in the garden. But also let rip on the wii box and watch tv. We are fortunate to have a nice garden.

They seem to have done fine but they were 3 and a half and 6 at the time. I saw my nephew - who was 11 - deteriorate sharply and he struggles now. He may of struggled without lockdowns, but they certainly didn't help.

It was both the actuality of lockdowns at an age when it was so important to be moving away from parents a bit and spending time with peers (also he is an only child) and the perceived threat: he thought he and his parents could well due from a disease that was no risk to any of them. And this was deliberately done by Gov psyops. I knoow from friends and colleagues he is FAR from alone.

Like you say, they can never be forgiven for doing such a terrible thing to a generation of children and young people.
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Green Man

Re:A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
I am sorry to hear about your nephew Wyot. It's great that you and your wife found engaging activities to do during the lockdown. I feel for those with with no garden or stuck in the inner cities or a tower block. Nature is the best medicine.

One of my sister has a God-son who has delayed speech due to the lockdown and can just about write his name.

I have lost a good business and had staff but when things were closing down, I had to dissolve the company. I didn't get any help from the government, I paid my staff with a bootles of booze as a settlement. I wish I could of given them some form of redundancy money.

When I walked the dogs in the deepest depths in the woods and forests.

It was nice to see families with note books and what looked like I-Spy books and pens looking at nature and jotting down findings.

I think some families were scared that I might of reported them to the police.

I have a good neighbour who celebrated a milestone birthday with his family and friends. I told them to enjoy themselves and I am not a grass.

It was sad to see people being scared just for going outside and having people round for drink in their own fucking home.

If you are near Dorking or Fleet Wyot you must pop in to Millets.
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Green Man

Re:A&E deaths - lockdown! 3 Months, 3 Weeks ago  
Interesting article from GB News.

No doubt nursery kids picked up domestic fights, witnessed tensions brewing.

Kids fighting in classrooms was rare but it did happen, most fights happened in the playground or on the way to different classrooms. Teachers only seemed to sort out bullying when kids were brawling, teachers are cowards like bullies.

I am not surprised teachers if teachers face sexual harassment, kids have access porn at their finger tips. The days of going in to the newsagents on tip toes are truly over. In my school it was a male teacher who was porking a couple of school girls.

Then again how many teachers especially female tachers have been done or in court for fucking or sexting pupils in the last few years?

A dance teacher in Bournemouth was in her late 40s when she was sexting a 12/13 year old lad.
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