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Jews 2 Weeks, 3 Days ago  
One of the most awful things Netanyahoooo is doing in Gaza is making Jews throughout the world suffer AntiSemitism. I have so many Jewish friends - almost every one of them hates what is happening in Gaza (whilst also hating Hamas, quite rightly). Likewise they hate what's gone on for years in the West Bank (along with the TOOTHLESS UN who condemned it but do nothing about it). Jews MUST have Israel, a safe, secure country getting on with its neighbours. Ditto Palestinians. Condemn the extremists. Both countries MUST exist together (as almost all my Arab and Muslim friends agree).
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Re:Jews 2 Weeks, 3 Days ago  
I'm more keen on Western Arabs (Morocco; Tunisia) who tend to be less extreme. But I've been to Israel, Jordan, Egypt and several Eastern Arabic countries and both races are almost identical - only silly religious habits separate some (no alcohol; not mixing milk and stuff; stupid costumes etc).
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Re:Jews 2 Weeks, 3 Days ago  
I've never identified with being Jewish tho my mother was..thru which they say the lineage is carried.

She never practised any religion and her family emigrated from Lithuania long before WW2 so experienced no horrors.

However it came out in other ways.. a highly moral sense of right and wrong and aid for the less privileged.
She even became a very successful private eye breaking open some controversial crooked schemes.

I believe Jews need a homeland..what a shame they didn't choose the North of West Australia once mooted.. great vast lovely lands.

Its the deadly Zionism being ingrained in children from an early that is causing so much destruction
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