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As you’ll know if you saw the last transmission from this email address at the weekend, we’re sad to report that TV Cream is joining The 27 Club and in two weeks’ time it’s going to fall off the internet, a combination of increased hosting costs, irritating letters from people suddenly taking an interest in monetarising a photo that’s been on the site for years and because it’s been updated so infrequently in recent years most of the stuff on it is older than the shows were when we wrote about them. We must thank you for all your kind words since we made the announcement, we’re thrilled it’s been all worth it. But in the words of Bob Langley, there will still be transmissions from TV Cream, we really must emphasise that, as Creamguide will continue, because we’re too far gone now to think about giving it up. However in the next few months we do anticipate it appearing in a slightly different guise, probably via Substack or somewhere else all the kids are at the moment, where hopefully it’ll be a bit easier to find and promote and with a more obviously accessible archive. Rest assured you’ll have plenty of notice when that’s going to happen, and also rest assured that we still won’t ask for you to pay for it. More on that WHEN WE HAVE IT (or WHEN WE’VE WORKED OUT WHAT IT’LL BE), but in the meantime it’s business as usual, with...