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From the Ridiculous to the Sublime
TOPIC: From the Ridiculous to the Sublime
Re:From the Ridiculous to the Sublime 1 Week, 4 Days ago
JK2006 wrote:
I have never experienced anything like it before or since
I also have only had the on trace like experience with paintings (before anyone - GM! - suggests I had had nothing more than an Earl Grey tea..) at the Blake. It was so powerful. Lasted just a few minutes.
I think great art can overpower us sometimes because it makes life more real than life. And I think can raise emotions in us we simply didn't know were there.
Come to think of it, I had another comparable experience when I watched Anthony Hopkins in the film Shadowlands. I was on my own and simply burst into uncontrollable tears at the end.
And at college my A level Classics tutor came to ask if I was okay as I had gone "trance like" reading the poetry of The Odyssey.