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TOPIC: Garth Brooks latest victim
Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
of the False Allegations Industry.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
I am sure Trisha Yearwood would of known about it, they have been married for a very long time.
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Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
Reading the so-called claims reveals yet another "victim" who is screaming about the daily horror yet stayed in his employment for years.

Even in the USA those accused should be anonymous until convicted.

The damage to reputations and the innocent's family is shocking.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
hedda wrote:
Reading the so-called claims reveals yet another "victim" who is screaming about the daily horror yet stayed in his employment for years.

Even in the USA those accused should be anonymous until convicted.

The damage to reputations and the innocent's family is shocking.

Garth Brooks, has always been an egotistical knob but I love his music, how the heck could he dangle her by the ankles? Hotels are normally noisy any ruckus would have disturbed the guests even in the penthouse suites. Sounds like the make-up artist was sacked, he may have had an affair with her...who knows?

If Garth did do anything I am sure his Democrats pals will support him or get the make-up artist to do a vanishing trick.

Does the media only know one song by him which is Friends In Low Places?

Now his latest album is another box set of re-released stuff and it's only on sale at Pro Bass Shops and at a cost. Anything to try to beat the Beatles in sales and gimmicks.

One of the worst things about Social Media is that everyone thinks they are Poirot, Jessica Fletcher and Taggart on their sofas or beds.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
A nice segment from Court TV.

I love this YouTube comment. My question is why he needs a hair stylist with a giant cowboy hat covering his head?

Which is true because Garth Brooks is bald like Ed Harris unless it's Chris Gaines.

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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
Garth Brooks is now cancelled in Ireland? He is very, very popular there and can sell out an arena in hours.

Yet he still performing and filling up venues.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 2 Months ago  
I remember Bob Dylan being accused of rape. The media went silent very quickly. The plaintiff probably hired a lawyer from a TV ad. On the other hand, Dylan is known to be well-connected and has a team of lawyers. Dylan also knew the Gallo Crew back in the day.

Now Garth Brooks has a hitman?
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 1 Month, 4 Weeks ago  
So it seems clean-cut Brooks had an affair and he has a big junk.

The texts are very flirty and cheeky. Women very rarely delete texts from partners and many ladies keep diaries sometimes more than one diary.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 1 Month, 4 Weeks ago  
So the Independent is going down to the believe-all-victims route.

If Garth is innocent (which I believe he is) he has every right to out the woman, she even published some very intimate messages between the 2.

He probably had the fling because Trisha Yearwood has cheated on Garth in the past or they have an open marriage, which many celebrity couples do have.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 1 Month, 4 Weeks ago  
I do like the Crowder's take on Garth at 48min mark. It's good that brought up Trevor Bauer and Brett Kavanaugh also in the segment.

The Dems went silent on Kavanaugh very quickly. Christine Blasey Ford's story has more holes than a midget hooker.

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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
So the media are now shadow-doxxing. I have no idea why they publishing his house and approx location. I hope Garth kept his archives on his phones or laptops...then again some men should know when to keep things zipped up.

Maybe this Doe, Was just in love with the boy.
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Green Man

Re:Garth Brooks latest victim 1 Month ago  
Interesting Garth Brooks wants to move to Ireland, it's not that big nor is it easy to hide. I know the Yanks have a thing for Ireland and the West Country.

Ireland is not a pleasant country to live in but it is lovely to look at. Laws are very soft and if you commit a sexual crime it will most likely result in a suspended sentence or workshops.

I know Garth is extremely popular in Ireland, if Macca and Garth toured simultaneously in Ireland, I would put my money on Garth selling out venues first.

People still cringe at the line-dancing craze in Ireland and at Irish country singers. Almost every holiday camp, town hall and community centre held line dancing lessons once a week.
He is pretty much the reason why MTV became CMTV in Ireland.

All that aside, I think Garth has dug himself a hole via hush money.
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