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Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok
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TOPIC: Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok

Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Oh dear poor little things, upset cos the person you voted for didn't win.
Grow up and get a life and move on.
If you want hate, trying to kill a man that's hate.
Spreading evil propagranda calling someone Hitler and Stalin is hate.

You don't react this way because you didn't get your own way.

Funniest video of the year.

Oh and i'm aware of how Trump reacted when he lost, i didn't agree with that either
but these people having meltdowns on TikTok are unbelievable.

Social media really has ruined society.
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
I bet none of them will the USA.
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Downing Street Cat

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
I was gonna say. At least they aren't storming Capitol Hill. Yet.
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
All very childish, both the people posting the videos (but they do seem to be quite young, perhaps first-time voters, and presumably immersed in social media culture where posting videos of yourself in tears may be normal) and the woman (who looks old enough to know better) gloating and stoking division. What else does she do for fun - pull the wings off flies?
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
The funniest one I've seen is a black woman who said she was scared to go to sleep incase she woke up in the morning as a slave.

The hyper progressive Democrat left is less popular and more threatening to most of America than the Republican MAGA Trump right. They are far further away from the normal moderate average voter than Trump. That has been proven this week.
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Oh dear Cat, another one who believes the MSM lies. Ray Epps who who was the government instigated the charge and the police opened the doors for them.

The only person who got killed was a young woman.

I have posted numerous videos and links on this site about Jan 6th
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Mark Dice never fails to raise a smile.

These Dems have a lot of paranoia. If my partner libtard and in the States like the women in these clips. If she went on and on and got triggered and had destructive meltdowns like an ELP concert. I would offer to drive her to Canada. No doubt gas prices will go down also and the stock market will go up like last time when Trump was in power.

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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks, 1 Day ago  
Rich wrote:
The funniest one I've seen is a black woman who said she was scared to go to sleep incase she woke up in the morning as a slave.

The hyper progressive Democrat left is less popular and more threatening to most of America than the Republican MAGA Trump right. They are far further away from the normal moderate average voter than Trump. That has been proven this week.

If Trump saves pets, unlike the Dems. He will get cats, dogs, ducks, swans, racoons and squirrels to vote. Not forgetting he will get the crazy lady vote next time.

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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks ago  
TDS is a real thing. No wonder Trump won.

Harris, lost the Christian vote when she said "You're at the wrong rally." in response because someone was saying "Jesus is King." That probably cost her millions of Black votes. Black churches are still a thing in the USA. A lot of Blacks are Christian and Catholics.

Never upset a religious Black woman, no matter if she is in the wrong, it's worse than getting into a heated argument with your boss or partner.

We know Harris, Clinton, Obama want to be God.

Most therapists are more strange and eccentric than their patients. Most go into the profession to compare their lives to others and want validation.

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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks ago  
I hate to tell that chap presenting the meltdown videos that a lot of gay men certainly voted for Trump too you know. Most are regular guys not obsessed with rainbows and all that extreme ideology but moderate sane people not defined only by their sexual preferences.

I enjoyed his mocking of those fools, it's funny to see these people act like this, they are quite extreme, but at the dsame time it is also quite deeply disturbing that grown adults that think they are highly educated in most cases are behaving like this and broadcasting the fact. I hope in mitigation for them that some or most are just hamming it up attention seekers.
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks ago  
Rich wrote:
I hate to tell that chap presenting the meltdown videos that a lot of gay men certainly voted for Trump too you know. Most are regular guys not obsessed with rainbows and all that extreme ideology but moderate sane people not defined only by their sexual preferences.

I enjoyed his mocking of those fools, it's funny to see these people act like this, they are quite extreme, but at the dsame time it is also quite deeply disturbing that grown adults that think they are highly educated in most cases are behaving like this and broadcasting the fact. I hope in mitigation for them that some or most are just hamming it up attention seekers.

I do see where you are coming Rich, but a lot of Americans are like that. I have lived there in the past. You should read his books about the Illuminati, Deep State and Bohemian Grove.
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks ago  
I bet you listened to Howard Hughes and The Unexplained podcast over the years didn't you GM?

I'll check this chap of yours out a bit further, although I am not a tin foil hate wearer, but certainly a critical thinker.
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 4 Weeks ago  
Rich wrote:
I bet you listened to Howard Hughes and The Unexplained podcast over the years didn't you GM?

I'll check this chap of yours out a bit further, although I am not a tin foil hate wearer, but certainly a critical thinker.

Not heard of those Podcasts Rich.

I watch a lot of conspiracy stuff on Rumble and Archive. YouTube took down or shadow-banned a lot of stuff.

I heard about Operation Mockingbird in the mid-1980s when I did bar work in NYC.

If you want to dig deeper look at Operation Paperclip.
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
As a contrast let's see what some Trump voters think about the election.

All very normal healthy balanced folk.

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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
While were on the subject of MAGA Morons since you brought it up this is really hilarious as the interviewer asks this lady about "Joe Biden's bone spurs" and she replies Biden is not an American or patriot and then the interviewer re-asks it was actually Donald Trump's bone spurs and she ..well just wonderful.

Two can place the game. Let's keep the thread going as there are literally 1000s of Tik Tok / Youtube morons to laugh at.
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
Didn't Biden go to college to avoid the draft, like a lot of youths did in the day?

If so that would be Five Draft Deferments. He couldn't have asthma that badly if he was playing gridiron and was a lifeguard.

Even CCR did clerical and admin work and were in the reserves but did not see action.

The Vietnam War started over a false flag operation like 9/11. The West lost Vietnam and the war in the Middle East. Biden has armed the "talibon". Even Springsteen avoided the draft but the media do keep that quiet.
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
My favourite MAGA who thinks Joe Biden is trying to make him gay.
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
I can't get too worked up about anyone avoiding the draft for Vietnam. It might be somewhat different if they'd been asked to defend America itself. 58,000 young men dead, and for what? Never mind the injuries and PTSD. I remember when the No1 hit "19" came out by Paul Hardcastle. I was 16 at the time, only three years younger. I can still remember the shock and horror when those I was at school with realised what that song was saying - the average age of the combat soldier in Vietman was 19, n-n-n-n-nineteen. How utterly disgusting to pick young lads straight out of school and sending them to the other side of the world for that, and that was the average age, so many must have been far younger, even under 18. There was the chant of "LBJ, how many kids have you killed today" that went on. Old men forcing the young barely out of childhood to fight and kill, to brutalise them in a foreign adventure like that, when they should be having a great time and enjoying the start of their lives at home. No, I don't think pulling the draft avoidance against Trump, Biden or anyone else is going to disgust too many people. You, me and anyone else we know would all do the same. Unless we were directly defending our own homeland here in the UK of course. A country like the USA should have been easily able to raise a volunteer army you'd have thought for something like Vietnam. Thank goodness we had a sane PM here in Harold Wison who would have nothing to do with it or waste our young lives.
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Green Man

Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
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Re:Woke Lefties Have Meltdowns On TikTok 3 Weeks, 6 Days ago  
Quite right Rich but of course one small matter..Trump called Vietnam (and other) vets "losers and suckers" and complained to John Kelly when he was made stand next to a disabled wheelchair bound Vet.

I don't think his alleged "bone spurs" deferment was some noble anti war action.
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