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TOPIC: Another lockdown?
Green Man

Another lockdown? 6 Days, 5 Hours ago  
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Re:Another lockdown? 6 Days, 4 Hours ago  
Mankind has been plagued by plagues forever.

They've routinely wiped out civilization on a regular rate..culled the masses.

The difference is we have science now but that's become like voodoo to many people and when you get a nutcase like RFK jr looking after health in the USA you really have to wonder whether mankind deserves to continue.

We've finally reached the stage where the lunatics are running the asylum.
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Green Man

Re:Another lockdown? 6 Days, 3 Hours ago  
A lockdown for a cold?
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Re:Another lockdown? 6 Days, 3 Hours ago  
hedda wrote:

The difference is we have science now but that's become like voodoo to many people and when you get a nutcase like RFK jr looking after health in the USA you really have to wonder whether mankind deserves to continue.

Yes the deterioration in respect for science is a real concern.

In my view not helped by "the science" being used for political ends during 2020-21. By political ends I don't mean conspiracies. I mean our politicians being freaked out by media inflation and over reacting as a result.

I also don't think the scientific community (or parts of it but loud parts of it such as Dawkins) help by making claims that are outside of the reach of science, such as whether God exists?

Of course all the bollocks available online is probably the main culprit...And people having the attention spans of gnats and wanting easy "answers"...
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Re:Another lockdown? 6 Days, 2 Hours ago  
Green Man wrote:
A lockdown for a cold?

The UK would not tolerate any such further use of lockdowns.

Even many of us who accepted them at the time, especially that first one in spring 2020 have re-evaluated things and seen it all for what it was. I don't know about others but nearly 5 years on from that first one it now seems more shocking to me that it ever happened at all than it did at the time when it had some kind of novelty value to it.

I'm also highly embarrassed that I ever took part in that naive and foolish clapping for the NHS every Thursday night at 8pm for about 9 weeks, like everyone in my road did. I wonder how many of them also wince at how they got drawn into such inanity.

The long term damage done in so many other ways from the economy to mental health and education far outstrips any damage the virus did, and I say that as someone whose own mother came dangerously close to being taken and miraculously survived being gravely ill with it.
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Green Man

Re:Another lockdown? 5 Days, 20 Hours ago  
You hate a guy for being some beefcake and wanting to take chemicals out of food Hedda? I guess you still wish that Lavine was in charge whose only solution was to get the government vaxxed. No fresh air or exercise.

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Green Man

Re:Another lockdown? 5 Days, 13 Hours ago  
Rich wrote:
Green Man wrote:
A lockdown for a cold?

The UK would not tolerate any such further use of lockdowns.

Even many of us who accepted them at the time, especially that first one in spring 2020 have re-evaluated things and seen it all for what it was. I don't know about others but nearly 5 years on from that first one it now seems more shocking to me that it ever happened at all than it did at the time when it had some kind of novelty value to it.

I'm also highly embarrassed that I ever took part in that naive and foolish clapping for the NHS every Thursday night at 8pm for about 9 weeks, like everyone in my road did. I wonder how many of them also wince at how they got drawn into such inanity.

The long term damage done in so many other ways from the economy to mental health and education far outstrips any damage the virus did, and I say that as someone whose own mother came dangerously close to being taken and miraculously survived being gravely ill with it.

Who's idea was that to begin with? Most hospitals were empty as they told people to pretty much to piss off? When you looked at TicToc videos of nurses, there's were no trolleys in corridors. I did listen to a lot of LBC during the plandemic mostly for the Consumer Hour. There were many, many caller's saying the same thing. That hospital staff were mostly doing but arguing whose turn it was to empty bins or when they were going to be rehearsing for TicToc trends.

I think I applauded once then realised how retarded it was. People near me set off fireworks and sparklers on Thursdays. I hope many people ruined good pots and pans for sheeple.

What scares me Rich, is people have very short or selective memories. People blew up if you didn't wear a face nappy. I wore a balaclava, if I wore it now it would cause a panic, unless I was in an inner city.

Just what curve was the government trying to flatten in 2 weeks, which became 2 years?
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Re:Another lockdown? 5 Days, 8 Hours ago  
Empty hospitals, yes you're correct GM. I was prevented for 2 weeks being able to see a dangerously ill and life threatened parent, which is an absolute crime looking back, it really is, and thank God they survived or heaven knows how bitter I would now be. But others were not so fortunate. But during not the first lockdown but the second one a while later I managed to creep into the hospital for a follow up check with her progress and was shocked that I walked through a completely deserted hospital, corridor after corridor, no members of the public to be seen and no staff either, where were they all? I literally walked a number of minutes through the place until I got to the relevant department and the first person I saw was a discreet looking receptionist behind a plastic screen, all alone, nobody else sitting around waiting for anything, nothing. Literally a ghost hospital. This was in the midweek in the very late afternoon. I'd been into this hospital many times before and knew what it should look like. No wonder we never used the Nightingale hospitals, the permanent real ones were also being underused, if appearances were anything to go by in the one I saw.

What is also very troubling, although not unexpected in the spectrum of human nature to some degree I guess, is how many people really relished the authoritarian and draconian ways they thought they were being allowed to behave in. We descended very rapidly into that situation, in a free Western nation and that should give everyone right up to government a real pause for thought.
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Re:Another lockdown? 5 Days, 7 Hours ago  
Not into beefcake GM. I think he looks hideous but that's just me.
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Green Man

Re:Another lockdown? 5 Days, 5 Hours ago  
Rich wrote:
Empty hospitals, yes you're correct GM. I was prevented for 2 weeks being able to see a dangerously ill and life threatened parent, which is an absolute crime looking back, it really is, and thank God they survived or heaven knows how bitter I would now be. But others were not so fortunate. But during not the first lockdown but the second one a while later I managed to creep into the hospital for a follow up check with her progress and was shocked that I walked through a completely deserted hospital, corridor after corridor, no members of the public to be seen and no staff either, where were they all? I literally walked a number of minutes through the place until I got to the relevant department and the first person I saw was a discreet looking receptionist behind a plastic screen, all alone, nobody else sitting around waiting for anything, nothing. Literally a ghost hospital. This was in the midweek in the very late afternoon. I'd been into this hospital many times before and knew what it should look like. No wonder we never used the Nightingale hospitals, the permanent real ones were also being underused, if appearances were anything to go by in the one I saw.

What is also very troubling, although not unexpected in the spectrum of human nature to some degree I guess, is how many people really relished the authoritarian and draconian ways they thought they were being allowed to behave in. We descended very rapidly into that situation, in a free Western nation and that should give everyone right up to government a real pause for thought.

People have forgotten the Nightingale Hospitals; it cost the taxpayers a bomb. People seem to forget the boundary lockdowns, which caused misery to neighbours who did get on or who wanted to collect something from Gumtree, etc.

Hats off to you Rich snooping around the hospital. I couldn't see a GP at all, during the plandemic unless it was to take some vaccine.

Care homes and the government wanted residents to choose between their favourite family members to see them.

Any doctor or anyone from big pharma spoke against lockdown or the vax, were shut down, ridiculed or lost their jobs.

Did anyone else see the film Sophie's Choice?

I used to like James Whale but anyone who questioned the narrative was shut down. Karma has got him!
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Re:Another lockdown? 4 Days, 18 Hours ago  
James Whale has changed his tune on a few things massively. At the time during and after the EU referendum he was a passionately pro-EU remainer and was quite sharp and insulting to anyone who spoke up for leaving as the remainer he was during 2016/17. Then suddenly one day I heard him again and he was a strong Brexiteer. Just like that. I thought he was joking and pulling a stunt on listeners. He wasn't though, and has been strongly anti-EU now for at least four or five years, simply saying he had a conversation with someone and they changed his mind on it all, a remarkable instant conversion from being akin to LBC O'Brien one day to Farage the next. Yet few people change mind like that on something so profound. My views were formed by my early 20's and stuck the same and were continually reinforced over time.

Is there anything you GM or anyone else has changed their mind on literally overnight into the complete opposite opinion? For me, maybe not instantly overnight but many aspects of the lockdown I am completely about turned on now 180 degrees from 2020.
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Re:Another lockdown? 4 Days, 18 Hours ago  
The awful state of the NHS brings to mind Canada's reputedly top class free ( at point of use) healthcare system which is apparently mirrored in Greenland.

Greenland also has terrific government built housing, good wages and extremely low unemployment.

Likewise wages in Canada are far better than the USA with all sorts of benefits like good holidays, child care services and so on. Numerous socialised benefits.

It must be awful for Canadians and Greenlanders to think the USA would take the place over and reduce them to US style ruthless Capitalism.

Especially now Trump is telling the Maga crown not to expect those cheap eggs and gas he promised.
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Re:Another lockdown? 4 Days, 5 Hours ago  
Of course Greenland has low unemployment, the total population of that massive island is only 57,000 so could fit in just half of a large sports stadium, and is the lowest population density in the world of any country.
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Green Man

Re:Another lockdown? 4 Days, 2 Hours ago  
Is there anything you GM or anyone else has changed their mind on literally overnight into the complete opposite opinion? For me, maybe not instantly overnight but many aspects of the lockdown I am completely about turned on now 180 degrees from 2020.

Yes, Rich. I thought Jacko was a huge nonce but the more research I did - the more I could he was set up.

Yes, he was mentally ill and unstable but I can't see the arguments proving he was guilty apart from a media witchhunt. The media are vile and evil cunts to begin with. They proved it in 2020 and 9/11. I wonder how many passports will survive the LA fires.

Paul Reubens and Jeffery Jones had more dodgy material in their houses than Jacko. I will let you decide.

I have been asked several times by people if I think Jackson was guilty post trail. I always say - I wouldn't want to be on that jury.

My regret is not taking much notice of his music when he was alive.

Safechuck and Robson are the biggest pair of liars I have seen in a documentary. They should come out the closet. One of them admitted they have urges for children.

If I see strong video evidence of MJ being noncy, I will go back to my original opinion.
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Green Man

Re:Another lockdown? 2 Days, 22 Hours ago  
Rich wrote:
Of course Greenland has low unemployment, the total population of that massive island is only 57,000 so could fit in just half of a large sports stadium, and is the lowest population density in the world of any country.

The UK needs to boat people there to give Greenland some cultural enrichment.
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