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More pearls of wisdom coming out of the Donald Trump press conference where he re-iterated that windmills harm whales, gas heat is better than electric heat (or was it the other way round?) and water comes from Heaven.
Oh and he doesn't rule out using force to take the Panama Canal and Greenland.
On Jan 6th to date he has said of those who stormed the Capitol "they were very fine people" "his very fine people who he will pardon", it was ANTIFA , the FBI did it but just said it was Hezbollah !.
I wonder if he knew they were Hezbollah when he said “We have to fight like hell. Because, if we don't fight like hell, we won't have a country anymore.”.
Mind you he did say in the past Jan 6th (now caused by Hezbollah) was "a very peaceful day of love"'