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TOPIC: Jesus
Green Man

Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago  
Wyot wrote:
hedda wrote:

If Jesus didn't exist, which is possible, who on earth was the absolute genius that created the Christianity cult now with over a billion followers ?.

He or she pulled off the greatest scam in history.

Paul of Tarsus would be the answer to the "scam"...

With the exponential expansion in followers attributable to Constantine adopting Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Emprire c300.

But I'm not sure I accept the question, personally.

Why didn't their Lord and Saviour save the Roman Empire, did one of their old deities get angry? Not forgetting the Romans killed countless even Christians. Constantine The Great (a Christian) killed his family and friends and, if I am not mistaken poured molten metals in people's throats and boiled people alive.

Paul was slightly unhinged IMHO but I am sure he made some great tents.
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Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago  
Green Man wrote:
The Bishop was just doing her job. That's what the Nazis said during the Nuremberg trials. Are you calling the Bishop a Nazi?

could you possibly make any more ludicrous comparison?
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Green Man

Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago  
hedda wrote:
Green Man wrote:
The Bishop was just doing her job. That's what the Nazis said during the Nuremberg trials. Are you calling the Bishop a Nazi?

could you possibly make any more ludicrous comparison?

The Catholic church did fund Nazi Party Hedda.

A lot of Nazis fled to Argentina even Hitler as the majority the population follow Catholicism.
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Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago  
Wyot wrote:
Rich wrote:
That was neither the time nor the place for that sermon. She clearly set out to deliberately politicise that religious service to make her name and as far as I'm concerned religion and politics in the West should not be mixed, certainly so blatantly. I think what happpened here says more about the Bishop than those she preached down to. It was VP Vance who looked more annoyed I thought. It didn't surprise me to see Channel 4 News making a big evening meal of this story tonight. The penny/dime just refuses to drop with some of these people even now about why Donald Trump is once again the President of the United States. Are they interested in really understanding the new reality or not? Trump hid nothing about his intentions and won.

Huge numbers of immigrants and gay people voted for Trump also and support him, as well as blacks and latinos, and agree with Trump's agenda.

I'm a bit uneasy on thew January 6th issue but that's another topic, so I'm not uncritical by any means.

The Bishop was just doing her job.

Pleading for consideration for vulnerable people is only "political" if you think politics is all there is.

Baby Trump, of course, can't take it.

A grown up would have responded by acknowledging her very real concerns, re iterating his concerns about the issue, and outlining how his policy will be implemented as humanely as possible.

This would be impossible for his limited brain to do or for his followers to receive as the response of a "strong man", which they continually mistake Trump for.

I agree, Wyot. I'm fully for the separation of Church and State, but don't think this bishop's comparatively mild words on human rights were a breach of that separation. Certainly not what the evangelical lobby in the USA seems to have helped achieve regarding the laws on abortion.
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Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago  
Green Man wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:
[quote]hedda wrote:

Why didn't their Lord and Saviour save the Roman Empire, did one of their old deities get angry? Not forgetting the Romans killed countless even Christians. Constantine The Great (a Christian) killed his family and friends and, if I am not mistaken poured molten metals in people's throats and boiled people alive.

Paul was slightly unhinged IMHO but I am sure he made some great tents.

I'm not sure what any of this has to do with my post GM.

However, Paul was certainly a remarkable figure whatever one's view of Christianity. Constantine was clearly a Christian in name only; as millions are today.

As an aside The Roman Empire, contrary to popular belief, was not destroyed. In the East it morphed into the Byzantine Empire then later The Holy Roman Empire.
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Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 4 Days ago  
The trouble with this Bishop is that she has been seen and filmed on marches making very anti-Trump comments and wanting him out of office in the past. But I will give her kudos for having the balls/brass neck/bravery to actually stand there and sock it to him from her pulpit to him, his VP and their families faces or to even be prepared to do the service if she feels that strongly against him. You have to wonder why nobody seemed to know her credentials and that this might happen.

If she was really doing her job she would have acknowledged the concerns others who don't think like her have. Bad people often exploit people with this Bishop's mindset. Not all do-gooders are good for the world and society, they often make things worse with their misguided naive attitudes.
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Green Man

Re:Jesus 3 Weeks, 3 Days ago  
Rich wrote:
The trouble with this Bishop is that she has been seen and filmed on marches making very anti-Trump comments and wanting him out of office in the past. But I will give her kudos for having the balls/brass neck/bravery to actually stand there and sock it to him from her pulpit to him, his VP and their families faces or to even be prepared to do the service if she feels that strongly against him. You have to wonder why nobody seemed to know her credentials and that this might happen.

If she was really doing her job she would have acknowledged the concerns others who don't think like her have. Bad people often exploit people with this Bishop's mindset. Not all do-gooders are good for the world and society, they often make things worse with their misguided naive attitudes.

Well said!

It scares me that people don't do deep dives with research only go with the MSM narrative.
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Re:Jesus 2 Weeks ago  
JD Vance and Rory Stewart have apparently had a disagreement on X (tweets shown in video below) about Christian teaching on love. Vance thinks there's a pecking order, Stewart doesn't.

Trump's vice president JD Vance takes aim at Rory Stewart in bizarre exchange

... The bizarre exchange erupted when Mr Vance earlier claimed: “There is a Christian concept that you love your family and then you love your neighbour, and then you love your community, and then you love your fellow citizens, and then after that, prioritize the rest of the world.”

Mr Stewart took to X, the social media site formerly known as Twitter to describe the comments as a “bizarre take” on the bible.

He added that it was “less Christian and more pagan tribal. We should start worrying when politicians become theologians, assume to speak for Jesus, and tell us in which order to love…” ...

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Re:Jesus 2 Weeks ago  
I'm with Rory. As, I suspect, was Jesus if he existed.
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Green Man

Re:Jesus 2 Weeks ago  
It never fails to me that people still debate magic men in the sky.
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Re:Jesus 2 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
hedda wrote:
Green Man wrote:
The Bishop was just doing her job. That's what the Nazis said during the Nuremberg trials. Are you calling the Bishop a Nazi?

could you possibly make any more ludicrous comparison?

The Catholic church did fund Nazi Party Hedda.

A lot of Nazis fled to Argentina even Hitler as the majority the population follow Catholicism.

Granted that and the Vatican at times gave support to fleeing NAZIs after the end of the war.

The Vatican has never been neutral. The current left wing Pope posts daily about the Hamas hostages and destruction of Gaza.

He also went into defend his close friend when he was ideologuely the opposite off Cardinal Pell but who he viewed as trustworthy honest man.

Long before the Pell sex controversy, my dear close Italian writer pal who is also an investigator reporter & expert on the Mafia and before and scandal broke wrote "Oh dear, Pell has stepped in the Lion's Den and now faces the Mafia"

# The same Mafia riddle Melbourne's marketing garden industry after decades of immigration and have become firmly entrenched in Melbourne Police who suddenly took an interest in Pell.

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Downing Street Cat

Re:Jesus 2 Weeks ago  
Green Man wrote:
Rich wrote:
The trouble with this Bishop is that she has been seen and filmed on marches making very anti-Trump comments and wanting him out of office in the past. But I will give her kudos for having the balls/brass neck/bravery to actually stand there and sock it to him from her pulpit to him, his VP and their families faces or to even be prepared to do the service if she feels that strongly against him. You have to wonder why nobody seemed to know her credentials and that this might happen.

If she was really doing her job she would have acknowledged the concerns others who don't think like her have. Bad people often exploit people with this Bishop's mindset. Not all do-gooders are good for the world and society, they often make things worse with their misguided naive attitudes.

Well said!

It scares me that people don't do deep dives with research only go with the MSM narrative.

But all she said was 'Show some Mercy'. Why is this Anti Trump?
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Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
Oh she is very anti-Trump DSC. Have you not seen some of her comments on demonstrations during his time as "45". She wanted him out of office as quick as possible. She is very anti-Trump in every conceivable way. Her right of course. It's just amazing "47" President Trump ended up sitting there listening to her considering her previous known form regards him.

As for Rory Stewart, he takes himself so very seriously and has an almighty high opinion of himself, but does anyone else after the certainty of his election prediction and his pathetic response to the loss he failed to understand and his ludicrous explanation to self justify himself.
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Green Man

Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
Rory is what the Yanks will call a RINO.

Vance and RS are way too old to carry on believing in fiction books and magic men in the sky.
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Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
If the Bishop has made anti Trump states in the past and has a history or radical statements she did exactly what a priest should just as Jesus castigated the Rabbis.

The only mystery is why did Trump there in the first place? He has 1000s of those wacky Evangelics who gather about and declare him God sent.

Trump looked very uncomfortable and I guess an aide made a mistake.
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Downing Street Cat

Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
Rich wrote:
Oh she is very anti-Trump DSC. Have you not seen some of her comments on demonstrations during his time as "45". She wanted him out of office as quick as possible. She is very anti-Trump in every conceivable way. Her right of course. It's just amazing "47" President Trump ended up sitting there listening to her considering her previous known form regards him.

As for Rory Stewart, he takes himself so very seriously and has an almighty high opinion of himself, but does anyone else after the certainty of his election prediction and his pathetic response to the loss he failed to understand and his ludicrous explanation to self justify himself.
Be that as it may Rich, I don't understand how anyone could be outraged by a priest asking the most powerful man on earth to 'show some mercy'. Unless of course people only wear their Christianity as a badge and are intent on being merciless. And someone needs to square up to Putin and Netanyahu and say the same.But the reaction would be of similar outrage from them I would guess.
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Green Man

Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
hedda wrote:
If the Bishop has made anti Trump states in the past and has a history or radical statements she did exactly what a priest should just as Jesus castigated the Rabbis.

The only mystery is why did Trump there in the first place? He has 1000s of those wacky Evangelics who gather about and declare him God sent.

Trump looked very uncomfortable and I guess an aide made a mistake.

I be uncomfortable to if I heard a Rabbi or a Bishop telling me short fantasy stories. You know who else wrote fantasy? L.Ron. Hubbard.
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Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
Nothing at all wrong with her speaking to power and asking them to show some mercy, and she said it in a polite and calm manner, so I will give her that, plus having the guts/gall to say it.

You are quite correct, someone does need to stand up to Putin and others and say similar things. But let's not equate Putin to Trump. What would happen to a Bishop in Russia who said something so direct to Putin and his cronies sat there? Choose your own "accident" from the assorted options.
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Downing Street Cat

Re:Jesus 1 Week, 6 Days ago  
Rich wrote:
What would happen to a Bishop in Russia who said something so direct to Putin and his cronies sat there? Choose your own "accident" from the assorted options.

Well, they'd just have to keep away from windows. And private planes. And umbrella tips.
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