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TOPIC: just endless lies
Re:just endless lies 3 Weeks, 2 Days ago
Re:just endless lies 2 Weeks, 6 Days ago
hedda wrote:
Wyot wrote:
hedda wrote:
Plenty of vision of the released Israeli hostages shows them to be smiling (I suppose they would under any circumstances) and rosy faces, all seemingly have put on weight.
They even. bizarrely, carried "gift bags" from Hamas.
Oh Hedda seriously...
I am as appalled by the Israeli response as anyone but you are better than than this...
But what I said is fact. I suppose an inaccurate image could be created. But Israel lies always..false accusations of rape (while openly admitting to using rape of Palestinians in jails) and falsehoods of decapitated babies with Biden bizarrely saying he saw the photos yet Israel finally admitted it was a false claim.
How the Israeli hostages look is a contrast to how the Palestinian "prisoners" look, skinny, gaunt and haunted. The Israelis actually admit they keep them in terrible conditions on purpose and for years without charge.
And this is not support for Hamas but Hamas is the result of the decades of how Israel has treated Palestinians and the numerous Israeli killings without ever being held to account. It's what happens.
I don't disagree with what you are saying about Israel Hedda, though we have to be cautious about media coverage, written and visual. Similarly regarding the much covered horrors committed by Hamas; a vile death cult.
However, I think the accumulatedweight of commentators (or posts) becomes problematic when only one side is ever mentioned pejoratively; because the effect is to "sanitise" the other side, even if unintentionally.
Yes some Israelis can persecute Palestinians on a scale that some (Hamas) Palestinians can't persecute Israelis - because they don't have the might. Scale driven by resources (not morality) is the only distinction.
Hamas would blow Israel off the map tomorrow if able to.
Whatever the reality about who started what, the situation can only improve if no ground is given when faced with evil. Both sides should be consistently called out.