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The drone films of Gaza are just horrendous. The destruction is almost 100%, more than any German city near the end of WW2 (Dresden was horrific).
Gaza looks more like Hiroshima after the first Atom bomb.
So sad to see the miles long crowd of Palestinians walking back to the ruins.
Photos & film of Palestinian children shot by snipers is so upsetting. How can adults do this to children.
It goes without saying that Hamas started this and their actions were also horrendous.
But the Israeli, or Zionist response is just beyond evil.
Awful films of Palestinians going through the rubble of their houses and finding the skeletons of their relatives. 40,000 children have lost their parents.
Israeli Zionist critics (possibly there are millions) are silenced.
It's so obvious this is intentional- to force the Palestinians off their land. Brooklyn real estate agencies are selling seaside plots of land in Gaza
Laws are getting tougher..In the USA, Germany, UK and Australia it's becoming a crime to criticize Israel.
Bloke in Melbourne got arrested recently for wearing a small Watermelon badge.
Strange alliances are being made. Elon Musk is a strong supporter of Israel yet dabbles with a far right German political party that uses old Nazi slogans and is too right wing even for Marine Le Pen.
He preaches stuff that could come straight out of Mein Kampf on "race mixing" (doubt he's read it..possibly the most turgid, angry, no fun screed ever published).
Donald Trump is attacking and threatening long time American allies like Denmark and Canada..what in the f*cking hell has Canada ever done to the USA except stand by it in times of war and difficulty?
Chances are I won't even see out Trump's rule.
I dabbled with Buddhism when young. I have absolutely no fear of dying but I've still got a deep down fear being reborn somewhere hideous. Like Texas or Florida.
Yes Gaza is heart-breaking and despicable Hedda. Words fail me.
As for Trump and his "trade wars" anything I have heard him say on the subject is typically incoherent. I haven't a clue what his motives are and doubt he has either.
It is dangerous to world peace and his fascist tendencies should ring alarm bells to anyone with a nodding aquaintence with history.
Yet so many still seem to think they are somehow "sophisticated" by defending him as a champion of the people undermining the "system". Whatever that even means. He is no more interested in "the people" than he is humility.
Do people not know how to spot a narcissist or understand anything about how their minds work?
Utterly bonkers for media to report that Gazans are returning home. Nothing left. Apocalyptic Wasteland. As we know violence only breeds violence, and now there will be a whole new breed of surviving young Palestinians whose entire families have been wiped out, who will be consumed with rage and vengeance. Biden's Legacy. He had the power to stop it, from October 8 23. He sanctioned every bomb, every hospital massacre, every refugee camp massacre. No President has so much blood dripping from his hands. I don't like Trump, I despise Joe.