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EARTHQUAKE! 16 Years, 7 Months ago  
I didn't notice a thing but now I come to think of it I was having a dream around that time that someone had broken into my house so perhaps it was linked in my sleep.

I did once experience an earthquake in Manila in the Philippines about 25 years ago.

It was a huge quake. I leaped out of my bed on the 15th floor, down the corridor, past mad Japanese tourists waiting for the lift ("You're mad" I shouted) and down the stairs.

By the time I reached the bottom the quake had stopped and a friend had arrived from another hotel nearby so we went to the restaurant where they took all this in their stride (happens frequently) and were serving breakfast.

As I sat down a waiter noticed my bare feet and pointed at them with a smile.

"Earthquake Shoes" I explained with a straight face.

The staff found this hilariously witty and rushed around quoting it.

A few years ago my friend was back in the same hotel and was asked by several staff "where's your friend Mr King and his Earthquake Shoes?".

I must be regarded as the Oscar Wilde of the Philippines!
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Re:EARTHQUAKE! 16 Years, 6 Months ago  
My family and I live 10 miles from the Epicentre..... all we got here was the odd shake!
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