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TOPIC: George Bush...
George Bush... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
There's a lot to like about George, and a lot to dislike.

And I think that's the lesson we must learn. Monsters are not all bad.

Adolph Hitler did a lot of good for Germany; so did Mussolini for Italy... but it enabled them to do hideous bad things too.

I was really excited by Tony Blair when he got elected, having met him years earlier. But it was on his watch that appalling things happened to me. And far worse things to innocent Arabs in Iraq.

I fear it won't be too long before Obama proves to be not all we hope he will be. Nobody can be.
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Re:George Bush... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
JK2006 wrote:
There's a lot to like about George, and a lot to dislike.

I'm struggling to think of one good thing about Dubya... I suspect many others will be struggling too. He has far too much to answer for. Same goes for his Dad.
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Re:George Bush... 15 Years, 5 Months ago

"He was misunderestimated in every way. It was hard to imagine that this feckless leader could do so much damage. But even as the worst emerged, he was given the benefit of the doubt because of the ongoing mysteries of his administration -- mysteries that have remained unsolved in spite of the skills of hundreds of gifted journalists who have attempted to uncover them:

•Who exactly was running the country these last eight years?

•What did the President know, if anything, and when did he know it, if ever?

•Was he capable in any way of even one sleepless night, much less the ongoing insomnia that any sentient person would suffer after so many wrong decisions and pointless deaths?

•Did he mispronounce the word "nuclear" 1) on purpose, in order to make himself seem folksy 2) because he actually thought he was pronouncing it correctly or 3) just to piss us off?

The exit appearances that Bush has made in recent weeks will be something future presidents will refer to as often as Lincoln's Second Inaugural, although for different reasons. Here's what he said:

•We did the best we could under the circumstances.

•It's not easy being President.

•It wasn't completely my fault.

•Everyone makes mistakes.

•I kept America safe, except for this one time.

•After that one time I worked really really hard almost every day and had to read a lot of stuff about foreign countries.

This is Bush's legacy -- a stunning series of alibis. This is what he will crawl off to Texas with, hoping that it will fool a publisher into giving him a substantial book advance and contributors into giving him money for a library full of pilfered papers."
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Re:George Bush... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
I have no idea what to make of Bush. Even now he seems almost like a child who was let loose to wreak havoc on the world by those around him.

The last 8 years have been disastrous for the World.

Rather than concentrating on the poor of the World and the Climate Issues ( I do recognise there are issues surrounding energy in particular and how it effects our long term climate ) Bush waged constant wars.

We have seen Bush and Blair ( and now Brown ) create a World where FEAR is the main currency of politics.

All decisions by BROWN are now determined by the FEAR FACTOR ( terror - id cards -paedo scares - economic scares - flu pandemic scares - energy scares - etc )
and the same is being targeted at OBAMA.

History will surely judge him a total failure. But whether he is human(e) or was responsible for what has happened is another thing.
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Re:George Bush... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
Dave Letterman presents "great moments" of George W.
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Re:George Bush... 15 Years, 5 Months ago  
There is too much expectation with Obama. It's like a film or place everyone wants you to see or go to because 'Oh you must' and it is 'absolutely fantastic' and when you actually do it's crap.
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