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Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ?
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TOPIC: Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ?

Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago;objectid=10334992

This disturbing story has come to light in advance of the BBC programme on 7/7 due to be aired tonight.

There were many strange things about 7/7 as we all know.

1. The bombers had return tickets

2. The bombers left their cars in car parks with loads of other stuff in them looking as if they were planning to return.

3. The explosions are meant to have come from UNDER the trains according to all the eye witnesses...

4. The Police closed down all the areas around the bomnbs and very little footage has ever been shown of the actual damage....

5. The tube system electricity was turned off prior to the bombings ? weird that and was being announced on the radio.

6. There are many other inconsistencies between the official story and that which the evidence on the day shows. Not unusual is such a big event - but by now it should be possible to sort it out.

So whatever happened to the two DEAD men that the POLICE Shot ? how did the Police wriggle out of that one. If the story is true then it shows that the Police either assassinated the wrong people - or the whole story has been a lie since day one.

There was mass panic in the Canary Wharf area - because the BBC News 24 cameras were on that area during the day - so perhaps the story is true......the BBC were obviously expecting an announcement about Canary Wharf which never came.....for national security reasons I would expect.

As a people we see perhaps 30% of the truth that we get spoonfed by the media. Our government controls exactly what we read and watch ( as the Prince Harry in Iraq story showed - when he went there on duty with no press coverage until he had finished his stint )

Read this article and spread the word about it - it is time for our GOVERNMENT to come clean about this and the Police.
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
10.30 am in London outside a busy tube station and only one person witnessed and/or heard the shootings ? Oh but 2 others did and he won't name them.

Sounds like a fabulous fabrication to me.
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
No UK paper would air such views.

If I told you that I met the 21.7 bomber the NIGHT BEFORE he bombed London and CALLED THE POLICE To tell them about him and that I was worried about him - yet all they did was tell me they would look into it !!!!
would you believe me ?

IT IS TRUE - My car broke down in North Southgate with both of us in the car - by the flats where the bombings were masterminded from. The fat bomber came up to my car CRYING and trying to talk to us. I not only had rung the RAC but then rang the Police ( which as you can imagine is not something I do lightly ) but that is how worried about the bloke I was.......

Then he got on a bus - the Police called and said they would alert the bus garages.

The next time I saw him he was a photo in the papers and yes I rang the Police to remind them of what had happened........

Never heard a thing back.

Something is not right at all about all of this.

Just because you dont read it in the media does not mean that it has not happened.
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I am disappointed that nothing was said about this in the 7.7 programme tonight......
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
speaking of fabulous fabrications..we do know that police,security and government are capable of them.
Ian Tomlinson is just went from brave police medics trying to save a poor collapsing man under a hail of bottles to the truth in a fortnight...a brutal mugging of an innocent passerby by thuggish unidentified cops.

If a protester had inflicted such actions they would be in court that day.

and only because a New York banker had some vision on his mobile phone.

A deliberate and planned lie fed to the media by police with the media faithfully reporting it.

That doesn't make an event like 7/7 not as we saw but I suspect everything and everyone now.

I've always had a nagging feeling about 7/ just didn't seem entirely credible.If it had been in Israel or Irag maybe but I don't quite buy a bunch of British kids on a suicide mission.

It could be that they didn't intend to suicide and thought they could get away with it..but I am highly sceptical.

Amongst my friends..we all had a wacky transgender friend who caused huge embarrasment many years ago to British security serices.

Vikki de Lambrey worked as a prostitute in Shepherds Market and was known for nicking punters wallets..which she did to the former boss of MI6. It became a huge front page scandal.

Many predicted Vikki would disappear one day or die in an 'accident'. 10 months later he did so in a 'drug overdose'.

His body is still on ice in the morgue...they've never discovered what drug it was that killed him/her..
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
veritas wrote:
but I don't quite buy a bunch of British kids on a suicide mission.

It could be that they didn't intend to suicide and thought they could get away with it..but I am highly sceptical.

so I guess the 21/7 lot were innocent too and all the people (approximately 400) on the vehicles they were attempting to explode home made bombs in have all lied and invented stories to protect the British police eh ?

One paranoid person's imagination can go a long long way...
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Real terrorists are good - amateur ones are poor.

The 9.11 attacks dont add up. Just watch any of the progammes about them.

Like my Islamic friend said to me today - why would Islamic Fundamentalists kill loads of other muslims etc when they could hit targets which were more symbollic and had more relevance to the Islamic cause.

Bin Laden's family were flown OUT of Boston by BUSH. To protect them. Osama has never been found......Iraq was blamed ( though Bin laden and all the terrorists came from Saudi Arabia which was NEVER TOUCHED )

Funny that.

I believe we have been the MUGS in a big "power play" by Certain forces in the USA and UK to try and push us into World War. They are still trying with IRAN - but luckily we know that IRAN runs its affairs well and has elections every bit as free as the UK elections.
We only get to choose one party each election - just read the media to see that they always back ONE party in the UK as well.

I am not a conspiracy theorist - I believe we as the people are in a fight for our very freedom against forces within Government who seek to wipe out most of us financially and possibly through another World War. The last 2 being so long ago.......

Why do we go to WAR ? there is no decent reason for killing millions of INNOCENT people on both sides. It is morally wrong and strategically wrong.

Do you see any BOGEYMEN in the World ? yes in North Korea ( a country so poor it is no threat to anyone ) or IRAN ( a country self satisfied and self reliant that it could not care less about anyone else ) Now SADDAM the BOGEYMAN has gone - RUSSIA the bogey country has gone - we seek to erect new BOGEY THINGS ( ISLAM - IRAN - N KOREA etc) To satisfy the urge to KILL.

Any chance of an agenda that is dominated by LOVE ?
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Re:Did 7/7 Police Cover Up their own assassinations ? 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I remember clearly a report about "an incident" involving armed police during the morning of 7/7 at Canary Wharf, it always stayed in my memory because I had been at CW for the first time just a few days before.

The theory goes that the four bombers were all told to get to CW as part of "the drill" and they were then dispatched by "other parties".
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DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago

This TUESDAY 7/7 perhaps the FOURTH BOMBER will appear on video on the INTERNET to tell the truth about 7/7. He escaped and has been hidden.

Perhaps it is time now for him to come out and tell the true story.

By doing this it will bring down the UK and USA Governments. Their planned NWO and their killing of innocent people in 9.11 and 7.7 will be stripped bare.

The DAILY MAIL makes a very good point. The OLD THAMESLINK STATION was 7 minutes at least away from KINGS X. And the new "TIME" for the bombers to get from there to KINGS X leaves them only 3 minutes. In addition THAMESLINK had over 100 security CCTV cameras including facial recognition cameras - yet not one picture of the terrorists arriving at KINGS CROSS has ever been released - this would be the proof for the Official Story that the bombers did what the official story say is the truth.

These reasons explain WHY they dont want an enquiry into 7.7. Because the truth may come out.

The CANARY WHARF incidents were reported on NEWS 24 and they had a helicopter at CANARY WHARF most of the day.....showing it being evacuated. So WHY are they covering this up ? Who was at Canary Wharf ? Who was killed ? and if it was 3 of the suspects then who the hell planted the bombs on the trains ?
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I've no idea of the truth but I suspect any offical story given these days.

The absence of further cctv footage is bizarre. But maybe I get too sucked in by The Bill and start believing how efficient the cops can be.

The Australian victim Gill Hicks who lost both her legs and has since become a peace campaigner put it well when the then Oz PM and right-wing nut job John Howard visited her in hospital just after the 7/7 in a well planned photo-op, along with his wife Janette (referred to locally as Hyaceth Bucket) in one of their endless trips to take tea with(long suffering )HRH The Queen.

She asked in front of the cameras if his involvement in the illegal invasion of Iraq was responsible for 7/7.

Always polite.Hicks really put him on the mat as Howard fumbled his response saying the whole thing "more complicated" than making simplistic statements.

They say the footage of that visit , never shown is a remarkable example of a politician embarassed and making excuses and fumbling when he realises he can't verbally attack a victim.
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I always felt uneasy that the bombers could continue to bomb an hour after the first attack when London should have been locked down.

In addition the speed they IDd the bombers despite not having any CCTV of them is very strange.

But until the BBC programme last week I had accepted the official story like most people.

Now facts are coming out which totally undermine that story to the extent that I dont believe it at all now.

I have not got a clue what happened because there seems to be an evidence vacuum - like there was about TOMLINSON when they said their was no CCTV......but were then forced to release it when PRIVATE footage was leaking out all over the place.

The POLICE hid the DE MENEZES footage as well until they were forced by the IPCC to hand it over. In addition whenever the POLICE kill someone the CCTV seems to break or not work.

We are being taken for fools on a daily basis by the authorities.

We have more CCTV than any other place in the World - yet 4 guys with MASSIVE rucksacks walking around key spots in London are not on CCTV.

The only conclusion I can draw from that now is that unless they provide CCTV footage of where these guys were on that day - then the whole story is actually ficticious. The men may not even have boarded a train at LUTON - but were intercepted earlier and assassanated.

Where are the platform CCTV from LUTON showing them waiting for the train and boarding it ? Thamselink has cameras on every platform feeding a central CCTV centre for EVERY platform. They all work and so where is this footage ?

Where is the footage showing them getting off at THAMESLINK. The staircase away from the platform at the old THAMESLINK had 6 cameras alone including FACE RECOGNITION ( I used that station and had counted them all and IDd them all )

I live on a small suburban street in North London - we now have 4 massive CCTV cameras on a street only 200 yards long. On the roundabout at the end we now have a new massive CCTV mobile camera which can move all directions and is equipped with number plate tech and facial recognition. These cameras have appeared recently at most junctions which include roundabouts in London.

In addition the Numberplate Cameras only ( Those little Tunnel Style Cameras - often 4 to 8 of them on one gantry ) have appeared on all A ROADS around outer London and travelling into inner London meaning that every car coming into London is now mapped from the edge of London. Of course the congestion charge zone has a set of cameras as well.

So linking all of these together we should be able to say exactly where anyone was at any given time on any given day if they were travelling. Yet there is no evidence........that can only mean one thing.....they did not do it.
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
BR wrote:
I always felt uneasy that the bombers could continue to bomb an hour after the first attack when London should have been locked down.

In addition the speed they IDd the bombers despite not having any CCTV of them is very strange.

But until the BBC programme last week I had accepted the official story like most people.

Now facts are coming out which totally undermine that story to the extent that I dont believe it at all now.

I have not got a clue what happened because there seems to be an evidence vacuum - like there was about TOMLINSON when they said their was no CCTV......but were then forced to release it when PRIVATE footage was leaking out all over the place.

The POLICE hid the DE MENEZES footage as well until they were forced by the IPCC to hand it over. In addition whenever the POLICE kill someone the CCTV seems to break or not work.

We are being taken for fools on a daily basis by the authorities.

We have more CCTV than any other place in the World - yet 4 guys with MASSIVE rucksacks walking around key spots in London are not on CCTV.

The only conclusion I can draw from that now is that unless they provide CCTV footage of where these guys were on that day - then the whole story is actually ficticious. The men may not even have boarded a train at LUTON - but were intercepted earlier and assassanated.

Where are the platform CCTV from LUTON showing them waiting for the train and boarding it ? Thamselink has cameras on every platform feeding a central CCTV centre for EVERY platform. They all work and so where is this footage ?

Where is the footage showing them getting off at THAMESLINK. The staircase away from the platform at the old THAMESLINK had 6 cameras alone including FACE RECOGNITION ( I used that station and had counted them all and IDd them all )

I live on a small suburban street in North London - we now have 4 massive CCTV cameras on a street only 200 yards long. On the roundabout at the end we now have a new massive CCTV mobile camera which can move all directions and is equipped with number plate tech and facial recognition. These cameras have appeared recently at most junctions which include roundabouts in London.

In addition the Numberplate Cameras only ( Those little Tunnel Style Cameras - often 4 to 8 of them on one gantry ) have appeared on all A ROADS around outer London and travelling into inner London meaning that every car coming into London is now mapped from the edge of London. Of course the congestion charge zone has a set of cameras as well.

So linking all of these together we should be able to say exactly where anyone was at any given time on any given day if they were travelling. Yet there is no evidence........that can only mean one thing.....they did not do it.

you should start your rants with "once upon a time"
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
Which bit of what I have written do you not believe ?

Everything that I said in my post has been in the public domain and proved.
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
BR wrote:
Which bit of what I have written do you not believe ?

Everything that I said in my post has been in the public domain and proved.

OK public domain and proved.....

There is footage of the 4 together at a theme park and then as a massive coincidence they happened to be on the 4 vehicles that were blown up ? Yet you would have it that they did not socialise together.

Mohammad Sidique Khan, The Edgware Road bomber made videos with him dressed in combat with appropriate messages to be played after his death which are in the public domain.His message and admission are beyond any doubt. His family accept them and are deeply ashamed of them

Germaine Lindsay had been arrested at school for handing out Al Qaeda leaflets and had been involved in other attempted terrorist acts in Pakistan. The house where the bombs were made was rented in his name

Shehzad Tanweer had travelled with Khan to Pakistan and had also been involved in other activities.He also left a video with the message "What you have witnessed now is only the beginning of a string of attacks that will continue and become stronger."

Hasib Hussain had made constant references to the 9/11 people being heroes and had expressed his support for Al qaeda over and over again

All had been to radical schools in Pakistan to "study".

Associates of these 4, people who knew them and spent time with them, know these as facts. Your version of the knowledge (which is in public domain) is purely theory by those with a deliberate cause, due to a hatred of authority.(sound familiar?)

2 of these guys bought the chemicals and equipment used to make the bombs as has been proven by shop CCTV and receipts found in their properties.

What bit don't you understand ?
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago  
I suggest you read this :

What could have caused this "rush" ?

Official Stories are rubbish - I take it you believed that DE MENEZES ran away from the POLICE - vaulted the tube gates and was wearing a bulky jacket ( All in the OFFICIAL STORY until disproved )

I take it you believed that TOMLINSON had no contact with the POLICE at all before his death ( Official STORY until disproved )

We are living sadly in an era of POLICE LIES and GOVERNMENT COVER UPS.

Even those who have very little understanding of events can see this from what has been happening.

7.7 Official Story is wrong. It is wrong on many counts. What happened really ? I dont know yet but like with DE MENEZES and TOMLINSON the truth is now leaking out bit by bit.
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Re:DAILY MAIL asks even more questions 14 Years, 11 Months ago

A research paper into the 7.7 Bombings with FACTS.

I suggest that anyone wanting to look into this starts with this paper.

It has factual information and points up the main problems with the Official Story.

What I want to know is this :

Mike Macca says the 4 men ( But not the big black bloke who was actually one of the four ) were filmed at a THEME PARK.

But BIZARRELY on 7 JULY there is NOT ONE CCTV set of footage of any of the 4 bombers actually in LONDON !!

In fact the nearest we get is a grainy undated photo of them supposedly arriving at LUTON STATION.

So we are EXPECTED TO BELIEVE 4 men got on the most watched transport system in the WORLD at LUTON and travelled to LONDON ( where there are THOUSANDS of CCTV cameras ) and wandered around and got on trains and buses WITHOUT A SINGLE PIECE OF CCTV evidence to collaborate this story......

Cough - sorry but they are having a GIRAFFE.

No CCTV of them getting on the train that they bombed = no bomb on that train planted by these people.

Finally : Can anyone explain how the witnesses believe the bombs were planted UNDER the trains and that the forensics claim the xplosives were military grade stuff - not home made BATH bombs.

I think we now have THREE POLICE COVER UPS



3. 7.7

and the 7.7 Official Story is unravelling fast as it is examined.

At some point we should see a witness come forward about the CANARY WHARF killings / incidents. This is a POSSIBLE main clue to what happened to the 4 men after they went to LUTON. They got on a bus at Kings Cross and went to Canary Wharf....but still WHY is one of them on a bus that is going that way which gets DIRECTED into TAVISTOCK SQUARE - why did he not travel with the other 3 ?

Too many questions to prove anything at all - but the one thing is for sure - the lack of CCTV proof for the men being in LONDON on that day shows a major problem with the official story.

Remember - the media "repeats" stories without ever giving any proof. They have talking experts to back their story up. But never any hard first hand evidence.....yet the public are so brainwashed that we read this stuff and make up our mind NOT ON EVIDENCE but on probability based on our own view ( which has already been prepared by the media with ALERTS and FEAR BULLETINS saying - A terror attack is expected etc etc. )

It is so easy for the media and NWO - it is like giving candy to children. We believe 90% of what they say - and even when we challenge what they say we have nothing to put in its place because they hold all the evidence in their hands. Great stuff !!! Genius.
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