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TOPIC: Support Bees!
Support Bees! 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
After the report on BBC TV News I'm seriously thinking of setting up beehives on my roof garden; lots of lovely flowers; Hyde Park within a few seconds and I love honey almost as much as Winnie The Pooh and feel we should all SUPPORT BEES!
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Re:Support Bees! 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
Seek advice first JK, or buy a book. Urban roof gardens are not suitable for beehives.
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Re:Support Bees! 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
Wendy wrote:
Seek advice first JK, or buy a book. Urban roof gardens are not suitable for beehives.

Yet Hugh FW found urban roof-top garden honey (from beehives) better quality than his own in a blind taste test on his River Cottage show...
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Re:Support Bees! 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
I can tell you have a bee in your bonnet about this.
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mickey one

Re:Support Bees! 15 Years, 1 Month ago  
There was a news story on TV a couple of weeks ago about the fact that the Royal Lancaster Hotel in Lancaster Gate, not so far from JK's home, have installed several hives on their roof. They are planning to produce their own honey for guests of the hotel.
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