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TOPIC: US army
cillas big arse

US army 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
It's just been anounced out here that the US army is going to stop grading gays as "mental retards" when they join the forces.I bet they're really thankful.
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In The Know

Re:US army 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
Judging by their behaviour ALL members of the US Army are mental retards - whether gay or not !!!!
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Re:US army 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
Oh grow up you silly little person.
Its easy to be brave behind a keyboard, these soldiers have more guts than you could ever imagine.
Still if having a few dozen people read your drivel gets your rocks off then so be it.
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In The Know

I think you will find .... 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
... that more people in the World agree with me than adopt your blinkered viewpoint !
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Re:I think you will find .... 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
Please, you can call me many things but blinkered!!!
Complete case of pot and kettle there i think.
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In The Know

Re:I think you will find .... 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
Well you seem to be the one swallowing the US press releases hook, line and sinker !
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Passer by . . . .

Realist, you are George Bush, and I claim that you are on a 'surprise' visit to this board. 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
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Re:Realist, you are George Bush, and I claim that you are on a 'surprise' visit to this board. 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
Passer by . . . . wrote:

Yes of course, the only person that would defend the entire US army against being called retards is a raving right winger, give me a break!!
I am only giving an opinion different to the amazingly biased and quite frankly pathetic ITK.
Different opinions banned here they eh?
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Army Buddy

Re:Realist, you are George Bush, and I claim that you are on a 'surprise' visit to this board. 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
"In The Know" caught with "special friend" Shock.

Straight from Fox News no doubt?
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bin laughing

Re:US army 18 Years, 3 Months ago  
are you army buddy and realist brothers,if so I've found you're long lost mum.

and hey realist,ITK didn't call the US army retards,the US army calls them retards if they're gay.

and last point realist if you're so gun ho why did you shit yourself and dissapear from the board for a few month after Shane offered you a charity fight.
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