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LABOUR and LIB DEMS give our jobs to Europeans !!!
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TOPIC: LABOUR and LIB DEMS give our jobs to Europeans !!!

LABOUR and LIB DEMS give our jobs to Europeans !!! 14 Years, 4 Months ago

So you have the choice. Either back the TORIES or UKIP.

Voting LIB DEM is to vote for MILLIONS of people to lose their job in the UK to European workers - as has already happened. The wage money then gets SUCKED OUT and sent home to Poland or Germany or Eastern Europe.

The UK Is being strangled to death by the EU - and our 5 million without a job are a direct result of EU policies.

I love EUROPE but equally I love the fact that we live in the UK and we should have JOBS for everyone who wants one.

Voting LIB DEM will only make this worse. Voting LABOUR is the reason we are in this mess.

The RECESSION is the creation of BROWN. The UK should have been rich enough to sail through any recession and in 1997 would have. BROWN torpedoed the economy - sold our Gold at knock down rates - and wrecked the legislation stopping the City gambling us into a disaster.

A vote for LIB DEMS or LABOUR Is a vote against BRITISH WORKERS.

Time to stand up for ourselves a bit. CAMERON is the only alternative to BROWN. Vote LIB DEM at your peril - you may be handing us back to BROWN and the EU......and that will be total disaster.

PS We can save MILLIONS by cutting the POLICE down ( once they are freed from paperwork we can cut numbers by 20,000 saving a BILLION and therefore keeping Council Tax and Tax frozen ) WHich would you prefer - loads of Police doing PC things or LOW TAX....? I know which one I want.
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Re:LABOUR and LIB DEMS give our jobs to Europeans !!! 14 Years, 4 Months ago  
British jobs for British workers, eh? For Christ's sake change the record.
Here's the real fact. There is a hardcore of British "workers" for whom the idea of an honest day's work for an honest day's pay isn't just anathema, it's completely unthinkable. If that sounds like right wing cant I apologise, it's not the sort of thing I can normally be accused of and I hope that, just this once, you will pardon me for fighting fire with fire. Blaming "Europe" doesn't even begin to address the real problem. There are, may I remind you, more than one million Brits working on mainland Europe. The real problem is the mindset we now have that as long as Eastenders is on tonight and Cheryl's on the cover of Hello again everything is tickerty boo. This is why, less than seventeen hours before polling stations open, a full forty percent of the voting public {and this is according to "The World At One", today's edition} remain undecided as to who is going to get their vote. As a nation we get the Parliament we deserve. As a nation we get the unemployment we deserve. And as a nation we will get the future we richly deserve. If the UK is dying, believe me, it is doing so by its own hand and by the will of its own people. You're right, I have a jaded view of the British public.

Lastly, will you please stop using those annoying capitals, it makes you look like a moron. And if {as you claim, though I doubt that anyone genuinely believes you} the fault lies in your keyboard, do us all a favour and buy a new one. They're so cheap these days that anyone else wouldn't even think about it, they'd just do it.
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