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TOPIC: Children of Men
Children of Men 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
On a ghastly night for mainstream terrestrial TV, thank God for ITV4 which showed this excellent 2006 film which totally passed me by on release.
Why was it not on ITV1?
Why did it escape on release?
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Re:Children of Men 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
My brother Andy tells me our other brother James was raving about this to him a couple of years ago.
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Re:Children of Men 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
Another decent movie "The perfect storm" was on BBC1 last night at 11.30pm. I think they shove movies to the graveyard shift because tv audiences don't have the attenton span, are inclined to watch cheap reality fodder or record it and watch it in installments. Whatever happened to the terrestrial 8.00/10pm movie???
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Re:Children of Men 13 Years, 9 Months ago  
Agree - Children of Men is an excellent film, although quite bleak at times, with a hint of 1984ishness about it too. Clive Owen's performance is very strong.

I think Angel's comments about viewers and scheduling are right. Films are increasingly shoved onto supplementary digital channels, often pay-per-view.
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