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TOPIC: My richer is warkin
My richer is warkin 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
For several days I've not been able to get onto the Internet through WiFi.
I called BT and got a charming and very helpful young lady who was, unfortunately, Scottish.
Having worked out that when she said "richer" she meant "router" (not pronounced "row-ter" as the Americans do), we, between us, discovered that, since I was fine via Ethernet, it wasn't BT's connection but my "richer" that was faulty.
After a weekend without WiFi, I've now corrected that (it wasn't my router - it was my Apple WiFi unit that simply needed rebooting).
Isn't new technology complicated? Especially in Scottish.
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Re:My richer is warkin 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
my father talked like that and I couldn't understand a word he said.
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Re:My richer is warkin 12 Years, 8 Months ago  
It might be better to have a go at the person who employed her. You'll probably find that individual is English. I had a lovely time in England (Warwickshire) last weekend and to be honest I found it difficult at times to understand the locals. Then again, who cares?
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