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TOPIC: You will NOT believe this !
In The Know

You will NOT believe this ! 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
On Thursday night (C4 - 9pm) there is a "new beauty contest on TV .... the Fat Beauty Contest !

It's for people who are size 18+, and is all the rage in the USA apparently (obviously).
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Re:You will NOT believe this ! 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
What I couldn't believe was how gorgeous the model who organized the thing was. Check out this fan site with her modelling images:

Why can't we see more women like her on TV and in fashion?
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Big End

Re:You will NOT believe this ! 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
these women are beautiful and well done to them for steppin' out. Bravo!!
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Re:lard bucket 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
Not so keen on the pug faced woman who was having a whinge that some of the contestants weren't fat enough.

"I'm proud of being a plus size"

Why would anyone take pride in their inability to regulate their intake of chips pies & lager?
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In The Know

Re:lard bucket 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
Apparently there are now more fatties in the world than there are people who are hungry (mind you, they are all in the USA !)
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Big End

Re:lard bucket 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
pie, chips and lager now what's wrong with that? We need to get you up North for a proper night.
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Big End

Re:lard bucket 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
oh do be quiet and stick to politics ITK. Anyway, I'm lucky if I pull a fat old trout these days...that's why I've taken up fly fishing!
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In The Know

Re:lard bucket 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
Do you catch trout when fly fishing???
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glum blubber skudge 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
Nowt wrong with pie chips & lager, but for breakfast, dinner & tea (and then out on the beers) is a little excessive. Just ask my distant cousin, she looks like two plus size models pressed against a very large mirror. Luckilly for her nicotene doesnt have a high fat content.
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Big End

Re:lard bucket 18 Years, 1 Month ago  
certainly do.
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