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TOPIC: The Budget - on course !
In The Know

The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
George Osborne is delivering his third Budget, beginning it by saying that it was a package "to reward work" and lift "millions of people" out of tax.

The chancellor said growth forecasts for this year had been slightly revised up and borrowing would come in £1bn below forecasts this year.

He said he was "on course" to eliminate the (Labour's) structural deficit by 2016/7.


Music to my ears .........
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
On course? On the road to nowhere!

"After nearly two years in power, the coalition government has to take ownership of the economic mess it has created. There has been virtually no growth over the past 15 months, which stands in direct contrast to the previous 15 months under Labour when, because of monetary and fiscal stimulus, growth was 31 times higher than under George Osborne (3.1 per cent against 0.1 per cent, respectively)."
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
.... making 24 million people £220 a year better off, including higher rate earners ....
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
That will fill my petrol tank 1.5 times.

I've got no respect for any of them. Load of wankers.
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
DJones wrote:
On course? On the road to nowhere!

"After nearly two years in power, the coalition government has to take ownership of the economic mess it has created. There has been virtually no growth over the past 15 months, which stands in direct contrast to the previous 15 months under Labour when, because of monetary and fiscal stimulus, growth was 31 times higher than under George Osborne (3.1 per cent against 0.1 per cent, respectively)."

I've just realised what happened to The Teletubbies !
They are all on the loony Labour front bench !

There has been NO GROWTH anywhere in Europe either !!!!
and we are ON COURSE to CLEAR ALL of LABOUR'S DEBT by 2015/16 !

Imaging how life will be when we are entirely debt-free ?

ps .... anyone got a few pennies to spare to help out Greece ?
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
Not on course if you happen to live North of the border. Quelle surprise!
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
ITKs weird musical tastes.

sell the farm and pay the farm, no assets.

God save us from these retrograde politicians bereft of original thinking.
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
Nothing will make any difference; we are ruled by spoon faced idiots selected by morons on prettiness levels.
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
Ed Milliband is a total joke no policy, terrible speech impediment for a leader, can say the right things been then you realize what a bad thing it is, a racist, won't blame Bottle Brown or Tony for the fuck ups and God help us all if he came to power.
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
veritas wrote:
sell the farm and pay the farm, no assets.

Wrong again ! - veritas !

We're NOT selling the farm, in fact we're not selling anything at all, unlike loony Labour who had already mortgaged the farm and when the bill came in just said "let's get another credit card and use that to pay the bills" !
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
ITK..perhaps you are right..Loony Labour..New Labour..Noo Labour...what is positive is that that the Blair/Brown lot were not the genuine article..a left wing Labour Party but a right wing Tory Lite.

How do explain then that the countries that are far more left leaning...Australia, Germany, New Zealand, the Scandanavians..are all doing very well or thriving in the current malaise but the right leaning countries...Britain, USA are in a mess ?

Or Communist China is going gangbusters..socialist Venezuala living standards rising all the time.. even Cuba doing well despite the might of the USA determined to crush it.

explanations please !!

(your faith in the budget is admirable but it will end in tears)
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
veritas wrote:
ITK..perhaps you are right..Loony Labour..New Labour..Noo Labour...what is positive is that that the Blair/Brown lot were not the genuine article..a left wing Labour Party but a right wing Tory Lite.

How do explain then that the countries that are far more left leaning...Australia, Germany, New Zealand, the Scandanavians..are all doing very well or thriving in the current malaise but the right leaning countries...Britain, USA are in a mess ?

Or Communist China is going gangbusters..socialist Venezuala living standards rising all the time.. even Cuba doing well despite the might of the USA determined to crush it.

explanations please !!

(your faith in the budget is admirable but it will end in tears)

All was going well in Greece also, veritas ..... Till the bailiffs came knocking !

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time but eventually the bills need to be paid !

It would not be too difficult for a low wage economy eg Venezuela to seem to prosper initially under spend, spend, spend policies as long as growth outgrows wage demands (as in Spain during the 70s) but it cannot continue forever.
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IA in Spain

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
George Osborne is delivering his third Budget, beginning it by saying that it was a package "to reward work"

Is that why the pensioners are complaining?
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
veritas wrote:
ITK..perhaps you are right..Loony Labour..New Labour..Noo Labour...what is positive is that that the Blair/Brown lot were not the genuine article..a left wing Labour Party but a right wing Tory Lite.

How do explain then that the countries that are far more left leaning...Australia, Germany, New Zealand, the Scandanavians..are all doing very well or thriving in the current malaise but the right leaning countries...Britain, USA are in a mess ?

Or Communist China is going gangbusters..socialist Venezuala living standards rising all the time.. even Cuba doing well despite the might of the USA determined to crush it.

explanations please !!

(your faith in the budget is admirable but it will end in tears)

All was going well in Greece also, veritas ..... Till the bailiffs came knocking !

You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time but eventually the bills need to be paid !

It would not be too difficult for a low wage economy eg Venezuela to seem to prosper initially under spend, spend, spend policies as long as growth outgrows wage demands (as in Spain during the 70s) but it cannot continue forever.

actually it can go on in Venezuala forever as they have a supply of oil.

What Chavez is doing is ensuring the oil profits are spread around by masssive public housing building and opening non-profit restaurants everywhere.

no wages to capitalism.
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IA in Spain

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
IA in Spain wrote:
Is that why the pensioners are complaining?

Don't start me about pensioners !

They have NEVER had it so good ... yet are the world's best at whining !

FREE FUEL ALL WINTER (£200 bills paid)
FREE TRAVEL (you cant get on buses these days for hundreds of pensioners waving their "passes" - they would not travel at all if it cost 10p !)

£5.30 a week rise in April - the BIGGEST ever rise !

.... and STILL they WHINE !

The "freeze" on any increase in tax allowance will allow others to catch-up and so introduce the universal credit (which knocks pensions up to £140 a week - a 40% INCREASE !) and still they whine !

The funniest thing ... the vast majority do not pay tax and would gain absoilutely nothing from an allowance increase !!!!!
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
IA in Spain wrote:

which ... if my maths is correct .... puts the Coalition 3 points ahead (despite the whining grannies !)

Just as you have to reach a certain level of maturity to have a vote .... should the vote be taken away when you have clearly gone senile ?
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Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
which ... if my maths is correct .... puts the Coalition 3 points ahead (despite the whining grannies !)


No it doesn't. You are making a huge assumption, that everyone who says that would vote Conservative or Lib Dem would automatically back the coalition. There is nothing in the poll to back up that wild assumption.

A short while back you made the completely incorrect claim that the Conservatives had been fairly consistently ahead of Labour in the polls since the election. I referred you to the site, which provides very non-partisan analysis of the polls. It is excellent at trying to pinpoint what the polls suggest, and also just as importantly what they do not. I suggest you join in in the comments section there, but I think you'd find you were way out of your league.

On the subject of budgets, people make great claims about them, especially governments and opposition parties. In reality they are change little, and are in the main just PR exercises aimed at sending out messages to the press and electorate, whilst actually just shifting a few pennies from here to there and back again. I think it was the chap from Conservative Home who said on the Andrew Marr show who said that, as PR exercises go, this budget was a very amateur job.
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IA in Spain

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
'The Chancellor has also been overtaken by his Labour opposite number Ed Balls on economic trust.'

'But Mr Cameron still leads Mr Miliband on economic trust by 33 to 26.'

Even the stats sound like a load of balls!
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In The Know

Re:The Budget - on course ! 12 Years, 6 Months ago  
david wrote:
No it doesn't. You are making a huge assumption, that everyone who says that would vote Conservative or Lib Dem would automatically back the coalition. There is nothing in the poll to back up that wild assumption.

... and absolutely nothing that shows that anyone who said they would vote loony Labour will actually do so !

In the voting "intentions" stated, the combined LibDem and Tory votes beat the loony Labour vote by 3 per cent ... which is what I said !
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