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TOPIC: Excellent piece on Leveson
Excellent piece on Leveson 11 Years, 11 Months ago  
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Last Edit: 2012/07/20 07:39 By JK2006.
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Re:Excellent piece on Leveson 11 Years, 11 Months ago  
Utley re-makes an often forgotten very basic point, that commercial News-Media is not about "Reporting News" but about "Selling Media".

An ethos which in the 1980s-ongoing unchecked unethical Fraud Market ratings-war Uber Alles, has also dragged the non-commercial publicly funded Beeb down to the same Mob Rule spiv-thug gutter level. "Forget The Facts, Get The Story".

Sadly, or conveniently, omitted from Tom's piece is an equally basic and easily overlooked (or delibertealy concealed) simple fact.

Today's greed-and-profit media can, and does, proactively pick-on, bully, scapegoat, grossly distort and demonise any populist target,just to sell copy 'in the purient NOT public interest'. A form of Manufactured Ignorance for Mass Deception not Public Protection. Qoute, "Don't believe a media-demon", from JK's classic 'Shipman' track.

Yet that same self-serving junk-media NEVER picks on ITSELF with 'untouchable' yet now proven deeply immoral and CRIMINAL hacks, papps, and editors(avge £1.5 millon p.a.) overpaid up to six times more than any democratically elected politician.

Suggested Leveson remedy: Proactive regulatory 'hacks n papps' to routinely target the very dubious private lives of overpaid junk-media personnel.

Then those largely anonymous, gutless bullies, thugs, spivs, and creeps might have to finally show up, own up, stand up, grow up, throw up, pay up and - SHUT THE FUCK UP !

And to misquote Queen Kenny R.I.P. "All In The Best PAAASSSIBLE Public Interest - natch."
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Re:Excellent piece on Leveson 11 Years, 11 Months ago  
If I can interpret (which I can't) - yes, the media has many horrendous faults as well as many huge assets.

And yes, the quest for sales can indeed lead to terrible behaviour (I have suffered from that more than most).

But in trying to curb the bad, let's not take our eyes off the greater problems and let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

Whilst we concentrate on the easy criticism of the worst, let's not allow vindictiveness to replace correction.

And that's the trouble with Leveson and his Inquiry and others who gain strength from howling hatred and condemning people like Murdoch, ignoring the good things - it's far easier to screech revenge and delight in negativity than to make constructive improvement.
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Re:Excellent piece on Leveson 11 Years, 11 Months ago  
Interpreting Ur reply, JK true victim of (one EVIL axis) UK Police-Media-Legal injustice, among far too many thousands more victims.

One might comprehensibly (and comprehensively) re-suggest an earlier, so very simple, Leveson 3-word-remedy/mantra. Which ALL so called 'Factual' media-cops-legals, even the very simplest and simple-minded, might be able to recall at all times - not beyond the wit of even the most tell-tale tiny tots:


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Re:Excellent piece on Leveson 11 Years, 11 Months ago  
The media is always about distortion of the facts to sell.

Lets get a picture of Tony Benn looking mad, or Maggie looking even madder, or dare I say it JK, yourself 'looking a perve'. It sells the story with the image and attempts to play that in the mind of the reader, that the person they are reading about is mad, madder or a vile pervert.

It doesn't matter about the truth, God forbid the truth, just as long as the images link in well with the text and they are off on a flyer. But truth, no matter, if we lie we can put a disclaimer on page 2, because no bugger reads it anyway.
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