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interesting and written by a jew
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TOPIC: interesting and written by a jew
cillas big arse

interesting and written by a jew 18 Years ago

and please don't start a who started what debate.
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I always get a headache when I read these conspiracy theorist articles... 18 Years ago  
but I have to say; when I stood in front of that horrid gold tit of a building the Dome of the Rock in 1999 and watched greedy people wanting a spiritual leg up nodding and bowing at the vile Wailing Wall, surrounded by children in khaki bearing machine guns in worship of violence, I felt I was at the most evil place in the world and a chill ran down my spine as I felt the Devil noticed me.

If so, he worked well since then.
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In The Know

There's always a grain of truth there - makes them intriguing 18 Years ago  
I'm currently very into the Diana conspiracy too (along with the Daily Express who seem to have a campaign about it).

There are SO MANY unanswered questions - that it goes far beyond coincidence.

And you would think, wouldn't you, that IF there was nothing to hide, then the Government would want some closure instead of the continual drift (which feeds the conspiracy).

But ... after almost 10 years, there STILL has been no Inquest !!!
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Re:interesting and written by a jew 18 Years ago  
Actually, the spookiest end game players can be found in the US. And they are Christian. They feel it is their duty to prepare for the coming of Christ and the final confrontation at Armageddon (no, it's not just a metal band). And as it is said that the Jewish people must be defended, they are actively lobbying and fund-raising to support every Israeli action.

I'm not going to go into this here, as it's not that sort of MB. But if you want to read a truly scary conspiracy theory that is playing out now, Google "John C. Hagee". "The United States must join Israel in a pre-emptive military strike against Iran to fulfill God's plan for both Israel and the West... a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran, which will lead to the Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming of Christ." (July 19, 2006, Washington D.C.)

As I said, spooky.
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Manager Man

Re:interesting and written by a jew 18 Years ago  
<<<< a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran >>>>

... and what makes them think that it would be any more successful that the previously "promoted" escapades in Vietnam / Iraq / Afghanistan etc etc etc ?
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Re:interesting and written by a jew 18 Years ago  
Manager Man wrote:
<<<< a biblically prophesied end-time confrontation with Iran >>>>

... and what makes them think that it would be any more successful that the previously "promoted" escapades in Vietnam / Iraq / Afghanistan etc etc etc ?

There's no mention of Vietnam in the Bible, so this one must be the big one.

To lighten the discussion, doesn't "Rapture, Tribulation, and Second Coming" sound like the title of a Muse album?
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Manager Man

Re:interesting and written by a jew 18 Years ago  
I don't think the Bible mentions China either - but they are likely to play a very major part in the eventual destruction of the war-mongers in the last days.
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