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Re:TOTP 1975 2 Weeks ago
robbiex wrote:
I watched this christmas 1975 totp on BBC over Christmas and the closing credits say that it was presented by Jonathan King, amongst others. However the show didn't feature JK at all. Initially I thought jk had been edited out, however I watched the same episode on youtube and again he wasn't featured. Either the end credits are a mistake or he was edited out of the one on player and the one on youtube. Any ideas?
I watched that and didn't notice that in the credits. But we've now got a crazy situation where it's not just omitting the songs and appearances of people but just the saying aloud of the name is forbidden it seems. On Radio's Pick Of The Pops over Christmas when reading the festive 1974 rundown which included Oh Yes You're Beautiful by Gary Glitter, his name was not said in the countdown, just the song title. It's taking grown adults for fools to do this. We can all cope with hearing the name.
On the subject of editing, I watched the 17th December 1981 TOTP on iPlayer a couple of nights back and am convinced they had been editing many of the songs on that to be shorter, lots seems cut off quicker than I expected and I don't think they were doing that on original broadcast. Any thoughts? The BBC seems rather too fond of all this re-editing of original broadcasts and if it's on iPlayer why do that?
Re:TOTP 1975 2 Weeks ago
Rich wrote:
robbiex wrote:
I watched this christmas 1975 totp on BBC over Christmas and the closing credits say that it was presented by Jonathan King, amongst others. However the show didn't feature JK at all. Initially I thought jk had been edited out, however I watched the same episode on youtube and again he wasn't featured. Either the end credits are a mistake or he was edited out of the one on player and the one on youtube. Any ideas?
I watched that and didn't notice that in the credits. But we've now got a crazy situation where it's not just omitting the songs and appearances of people but just the saying aloud of the name is forbidden it seems. On Radio's Pick Of The Pops over Christmas when reading the festive 1974 rundown which included Oh Yes You're Beautiful by Gary Glitter, his name was not said in the countdown, just the song title. It's taking grown adults for fools to do this. We can all cope with hearing the name.
On the subject of editing, I watched the 17th December 1981 TOTP on iPlayer a couple of nights back and am convinced they had been editing many of the songs on that to be shorter, lots seems cut off quicker than I expected and I don't think they were doing that on original broadcast. Any thoughts? The BBC seems rather too fond of all this re-editing of original broadcasts and if it's on iPlayer why do that?
I recorded the 1975 chritmas edition on my recordable freesat player and it showed jk in the end credits, but now watching it on iplayer that part of the credits is edited out. I also notice that whenever they show episodes when John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John were no. 1, they always show legs and co dancing to it. I remember that most of the time they would show the scene from Grease, but I guess they would have to pay them rights to do that, so they save money by showing legs and co. I wish they would show the episodes featuring DLT. It seems ridiculous to cancel someone from history because of some low level sexual assualt that didn't even warrant a custodial sentence. It would free-up lots more episodes.
Re:TOTP 1975 1 Week, 5 Days ago
Good God Robbie, that's hilarious.
My first ever bought record is also Brian & Michael's Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs too. I was almost 9 so you can forgive me as well.
Clearly all us children were putting it at the top of the charts in spring '78. I remember also seeing it done on Blue Peter. What I can't forgive is my first bought tune being the one that kicked Kate Bush off the top spot. Tut, tut. I wish it had been Wuthering Heights instead. I rememeber school also had a bit of an obsession about LS Lowry at the time for whatever reason, I know he'd passed a couple of years previous. Our front room at the time actually had a large tall picture on the wall of just one single black matchstalk man with walking stick. I still think the song is very charming however.
Just a correction, Geldof ripped up the poster on TOTP in November after he displaced Summer Nights after 7 weeks with Rat Trap, thus ending their 16 weeks, four months topping the charts since June. I didn't mind, I was obsessed and loved all those songs and yet for some reason as much as I loved them all I never bought or owned a copy of any of them, but have Brian & Michael! Well I only got 30p pocket money each week so that's my excuse.
Happy New Year to you.