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TOPIC: video tip

video tip 18 Years, 7 Months ago  
Hey tipsters,

This is not necessarily a music tip but here is an amazing video done by an exciting director from Mexico. Shot on a single cartridge of super 8. It is an example of how videos can be done cheaply, with impressive results without costing a fortune.

One other point. Look how film, even super 8 looks so impressive.
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Re:video tip 18 Years, 7 Months ago  
Sorry but the fantastic OK GO video to "A million ways" knocks that in to next week and they claim that only cost them $25 to make.
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Re:video tip 18 Years, 7 Months ago  
Maybe. But how much did it cost in post-prod?

I wouldn't go to those extremes, as there are only so many lo-fi vids you can watch without getting serious d
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Re:video tip 18 Years, 7 Months ago  
Well MIchael the Diego film cost nothing in post production as the premise was to create the film using in camera edits on a single super 8 cartridge. what makes Diego's more impressive is all the stop motion animation going on in the background which wasnt done in post production.

My point is that by combining a good simple film/video which looks great with music, an artist can create audio/visual art which would be interesting and help grow that band.
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Re:video tip 18 Years, 7 Months ago  
OK, so I watched it this time! I saw one just like this about 5 years ago. All done backwards in stop-motion. A novelty group called Sttella, and the track was something like "Les tartines" (I think). It picked up an award from French music channel MCM.

I can't really see the Mexican vid doing all that much for the group, but truth be told, the track is not really up to it anyway. I'm sure there are groups reading this board with more interesting tunes and creative pals with a weekend to spend filming it.

Purely coincidentally, I found a rapper called Banaissa selling his clip on the web as a download for the princely sum of 25 eurocents (see I'm not sure what the logic is (why not just give it away?), but I think it's a neat idea if people are willing to play ball.

My worry is that people film things that end up on shelves.
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Re:video tip 18 Years, 7 Months ago  
Michael, I know the song is not really anything. Im not really interested in it.

It is the video that I am interested in. Let me explain how it was done.

The premise for the video is to record it all in camera with NO external editing. So for the director to do stop motion video like he has done, with no post production and all in camera is a great feat. It won some film award i think. Also have a look at the quality of the film to understand that with low budget videos, film has a quality that cannot be rivaled.
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