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TOPIC: Kamala Harris

Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
Wyot wrote:
[quote]Green Man wrote:
Wyot wrote:

What is there to debate apart from the fact she has sore knees, finds everything funny and she was selected due to her race.

So Trump is allowed to pay for sex with porn stars, sexually assault women and advocate the grabbing of 50% of the populations genitals as the mood takes us men, while Kamala (who laughs a lot rather than Dons a permanent scowl) is to be damned for having the temerity - as a woman - to have consensual sexual relationships?

I have lived in NYC twice for extended periods ( I even caught a Greyhound bus at age 18 and traveled from NY to LA over several days..what a fascinating trip that was)

I was lucky enough to work in the media there. Donald Trump really was loathed in NYC because of his reputation of never paying contractor's bills (which included me not that I ever met him).

But that was only among media circles (and certainly most banks who were stiffed on loans)..for the general public he was a hugely successful fascinating character despite his bankruptcies and collapsed businesses.

A lot of Americans actually admired him because of his bankruptcies thinking it was clever business.
They probably are core MAGA these days.

Remember Hilary Clinton got a much bigger vote than Trump and she really wasn't a likeable candidate but she did have years in the public eye.

It's hard to pin down what voters will think of Harris as despite being VP I don't think the crowds have followed her career.
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Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
I think ANYONE is better than Trump BUT I so hated the way his opponents and media tried to destroy him, using the courts, that I would have voted for him. Now, however, I think many ex-Democrats (for that very reason) may return and vote for Kamala. BUT she needs to disown the tactics of the past, forgive and even pardon ghastly Trump for past mistakes and make sure, with her new Presidental powers (thanks to the Supreme Court) that it can never happen again.
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Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
I've always thought that Biden should have pardoned Trump for any federal charges which would make it difficult for Trump to keep attacking Genocide Joe.
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Green Man

Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
hedda wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:
Green Man wrote:
Wyot wrote:

What is there to debate apart from the fact she has sore knees, finds everything funny and she was selected due to her race.

So Trump is allowed to pay for sex with porn stars, sexually assault women and advocate the grabbing of 50% of the populations genitals as the mood takes us men, while Kamala (who laughs a lot rather than Dons a permanent scowl) is to be damned for having the temerity - as a woman - to have consensual sexual relationships?

I have lived in NYC twice for extended periods ( I even caught a Greyhound bus at age 18 and traveled from NY to LA over several days..what a fascinating trip that was)

I was lucky enough to work in the media there. Donald Trump really was loathed in NYC because of his reputation of never paying contractor's bills (which included me not that I ever met him).

But that was only among media circles (and certainly most banks who were stiffed on loans)..for the general public he was a hugely successful fascinating character despite his bankruptcies and collapsed businesses.

A lot of Americans actually admired him because of his bankruptcies thinking it was clever business.
They probably are core MAGA these days.

Remember Hilary Clinton got a much bigger vote than Trump and she really wasn't a likeable candidate but she did have years in the public eye.

It's hard to pin down what voters will think of Harris as despite being VP I don't think the crowds have followed her career.

Interesting we must of lived in NYC near the same time Hedda. When I was there I heard nothing but good things about him.

Did you draw a contract, get lawyers in and do a good job?
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Green Man

Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
JK2006 wrote:
I think ANYONE is better than Trump BUT I so hated the way his opponents and media tried to destroy him, using the courts, that I would have voted for him. Now, however, I think many ex-Democrats (for that very reason) may return and vote for Kamala. BUT she needs to disown the tactics of the past, forgive and even pardon ghastly Trump for past mistakes and make sure, with her new Presidental powers (thanks to the Supreme Court) that it can never happen again.

What about the hundreds of Black men she put away for weed?
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Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
Hope this helps Kamala Harris win. Yet another example of a black person being killed by a cop. In her home, while apparently posing no threat. He was already sneering at her before he shot her in the head. Now facing a murder charge.

Video shows Illinois police fatally shoot woman in her home
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Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
hedda wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:
[quote]Green Man wrote:
[quote]Wyot wrote:

A lot of Americans actually admired him because of his bankruptcies thinking it was clever business.
They probably are core MAGA these days.

It's hard to pin down what voters will think of Harris as despite being VP I don't think the crowds have followed her career.

Only a society that is individualistic rather than collective and worships money could have produced a Trump and elevated him to the highest office. Trump is a symptom of societal ill-health.

Long way to go with Harris but it will be interesting to watch. I think the Democrats have been very effective in getting behind her quickly and solidly.
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Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
JK2006 wrote:

BUT she needs to disown the tactics of the past, forgive and even pardon ghastly Trump for past mistakes and make sure, with her new Presidental powers (thanks to the Supreme Court) that it can never happen again.

This would be a very smart move. Democrats have already wrong-footed Republicans by removing Biden and turning the age and capacity spotlight solely on the orange comb-over creature. This would further concentrate things on Trump himself; which is not what Republicans want.
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Green Man

Re:Kamala Harris 1 Month, 3 Weeks ago  
Jo wrote:
Hope this helps Kamala Harris win. Yet another example of a black person being killed by a cop. In her home, while apparently posing no threat. He was already sneering at her before he shot her in the head. Now facing a murder charge.

Video shows Illinois police fatally shoot woman in her home

Brandon Tatum has made a good video about it. What would you do if someone tried to throw boiling at water you? It's either a fight or flight. My partner is a former officer.

Does Trump scare you Jo?

I told you that Operation Mockingbird would be working overtime.

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