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Home arrow Attitudes & Opinions arrow The sad decline of the paper of record
The sad decline of the paper of record PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 18 August 2016
The Times has been forced to put an apology on its front page today after saying Bed Blocking cost the NHS 6 billion quid.

The actual amount was 820 million.

I have noticed recently that the news is increasingly reflecting opinion - even in just implying things in the wording.

Frightening: but most of all - Editors and Proprietors simply do not care.

As long as it is a good story and exaggeration makes better stories.

As British Justice has reflected for decades.

And it is not just The Times. The Guardian has declined appallingly; and all the broadsheets are currently packed with wimmins stories. Not intelligent tales from a female perspective but rubbish about fashion, handbags and period pains.

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