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King of Hits
Media, ordinary reporters, justice, Great Britain PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 04 September 2016
So Stephen Armstrong in reviewing, in todays Sunday Times, the upcoming Robbie Coltrane Ch4 series on False Allegations (or True - we do not find out until the end) says some shocking things illustrating just how biased the media makes us.

In his first paragraph he refers to Saviles myriad crimes (there were none - merely claims) and his depressingly numerous peers (is he referring to the depressingly numerous quantity of false allegations and acquittals or No Further Actions?).

And at the end the writer says he hopes - that the show will encourage more people to come forward. To make false allegations? To accuse him of historical child rape from 30 years ago? Does he really wish for that? Be careful what you wish for, Jack Thorne.

And Robbie Coltrane - how they let him (Savile) get away with it for so long. Did he? Were the claims true? Who knows. Guilty unless you can prove innocence.

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