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King of Hits
Home arrow Attitudes & Opinions arrow Books, Martyr videos, anyone wonder about this entire campaign?
Books, Martyr videos, anyone wonder about this entire campaign? PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 22 August 2006
When my house was searched, one of the cassettes (sound) taken was by Little Steven.

"Who was Little Steven? How old is he? How do you know him", I was grilled. Took me ages to convince the blinkered cops that it was MUSIC by Miami Steve Van Zandt. A terrific musician. Oh, forget it!

Likewise, when I was on bail and needed to travel to the Mediterranean to promote Cuban Boys tracks... "Cuban BOYS? How old are they?".

And when they found only one partially naked photo - an old black and white picture of a gorgeous teenage boy in swimming trunks... "Who is this?".

Answer - "Me actually, when I was 16 on holiday".

I really did feel like Alice in Wonderland, having to justify keeping an old photo of myself!

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