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TOPIC: the End of The Monarchy

the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
I've got a spooky feeling that this marriage between Harry & Meghan isn't going to end well.

Not because of her black heritage (they're a bunch of rings-in anyway-the lot of them) but the fact that is being used to sell the union is part of the problem.

Hedda is psychic and Meghan reeks of phoniness. I think when this marriage folds it's going to put the dramas of Fergie and Andrew in the shade.

Change happens slowly but then quickens and is often inevitable.

Anyone who thinks Royal marriages are still not arranged has rocks in their head. Kate is ideal- she's a much toned-down Diana without the dramas. Meghan is a huge mistake (she should have been a Royal courtesan on the side like Camilla)

Everything comes to end eventually. The mood has changed dramatically. The marriage of William & Kate was the last Fairy Tale Hollywood Royal Wedding. It worked a treat.
The tabloids and magazines are chock a blok with Meghan tales. But she is, in the end (nothing personal) just frigging boring. The peasantry hard working middle classes are going to get upset at some stage.

Prince Philip has always had a bag packed and been ready to flee at any time.

# Hedda is a Royalist- ITK is celebrating.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
hedda wrote:
I've got a spooky feeling that this marriage between Harry & Meghan isn't going to end well.

Not because of her black heritage (they're a bunch of rings-in anyway-the lot of them) but the fact that is being used to sell the union is part of the problem.

Hedda is psychic and Meghan reeks of phoniness. I think when this marriage folds it's going to put the dramas of Fergie and Andrew in the shade.

Change happens slowly but then quickens and is often inevitable.

Anyone who thinks Royal marriages are still not arranged has rocks in their head. Kate is ideal- she's a much toned-down Diana without the dramas. Meghan is a huge mistake (she should have been a Royal courtesan on the side like Camilla)

Everything comes to end eventually. The mood has changed dramatically. The marriage of William & Kate was the last Fairy Tale Hollywood Royal Wedding. It worked a treat.
The tabloids and magazines are chock a blok with Meghan tales. But she is, in the end (nothing personal) just frigging boring. The peasantry hard working middle classes are going to get upset at some stage.

Prince Philip has always had a bag packed and been ready to flee at any time.

# Hedda is a Royalist- ITK is celebrating.

Her films are getting repeated again and again and if they do divorce she will try sell some sordid stories to the media, we know she will get 'hush' money if they broke up.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
They seem like a nice couple clearly in love to me. But what do I know?
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In The Know

Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
For once (and only once !) I suspect hedda may be right.

Virtually every royal marriage in the last few decades has fallen apart.
(No real blame on the couples - the strain of living the "perfect life" in the goldfish bowl must be enormous).

Of course the real reason is that they are all fakes ... when they passed over the next 57 in line for the throne (to avoid a Catholic) after King James they had to scrape around, and eventually found someone who could not even speak English, had never been here, and had a madness streak running through the entire family !!!!
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
I have the same feeling (is she just acting another part?) and wonder if Prince Harry feels under pressure to marry. They haven't known each other long, come from different backgrounds, both had divorced parents and she has been divorced already. I wonder if she'll find royalty too constraining. On the other hand, Spain's queen was a divorcee with a prior career and they're still together, while Diana wasn't a divorcee, had no prior career and still got divorced.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
Jo wrote:
I have the same feeling (is she just acting another part?) and wonder if Prince Harry feels under pressure to marry. They haven't known each other long, come from different backgrounds, both had divorced parents and she has been divorced already. I wonder if she'll find royalty too constraining. On the other hand, Spain's queen was a divorcee with a prior career and they're still together, while Diana wasn't a divorcee, had no prior career and still got divorced.

I think she'll find Royal Duties mind-numbingly boring.

The big difference with Diana was that she had a real empathy for the down-trodden and the ill. She couldn't do much about it but she was genuine.

I accompanied her on her last Oz tour as the inside snapper. She went to a Hospice at 11pm without the press knowing..I had to go and photograph her with each patient as she sat and chatted to nearly 5 in the morning. She said " it makes them feel better I have taken the time"..she meant it.

probably what sent her crazy.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
I just dont get this..lots of talk on this forum about media presentation and all falling for dont know them.

The simplest thing may be what makes the world go around, a young couple in love...
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In The Know (as always !)

Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
Jo wrote:
and wonder if Prince Harry feels under pressure to marry.

Yep - his turn has come up in the "pencilled in" diary.

The Royals always plan long-term and like to have "something to offer" each year.

If Philip doesn't stiff it in the next 18 months then there is a gap in the diary !
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In The Know

Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
hedda wrote:
She went to a Hospice at 11pm without the press knowing..I had to go and photograph her with each patient as she sat and chatted to nearly 5 in the morning.

Ooooh ! Look at me ... aren't I good !!?!

Why did she need all the publicity then?
Why not do it in secret?
She was just feeding her own ego.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
Speaking as a constitutional Irish nationalist...I wish them well and I think they will be very happy together.
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In The Know

Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
tdf wrote:
Speaking as a constitutional Irish nationalist...I wish them well and I think they will be very happy together.

I think we all wish them well (as we would with any newly married couple) ... but the omens do not look good.

Just think what Hollywood fee she will command AFTER the divorce !

... and he is an accident waiting to happen. I said many years ago that he was trouble.
Feel slightly sorry for him ... after all he has been through but he still HAS to play the Royal game !

Their personal happiness is not something ever taken into consideration .... will she breed? will she keep her mouth shut?
These are the questions that matter to them.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
hedda wrote:
She went to a Hospice at 11pm without the press knowing..I had to go and photograph her with each patient as she sat and chatted to nearly 5 in the morning.

Ooooh ! Look at me ... aren't I good !!?!

Why did she need all the publicity then?
Why not do it in secret?
She was just feeding her own ego.

Obviously Diana was a complex person both playing the press and hating it at the same time.

I spent 3 days with her with 2 other people. She was a friendly and quite down to earth person but every now & had to remember you were with The Most Famous Person on The Planet who has ever been and ever will be.

My best tale was when we were being driven to a Commonwealth Day lunch and we passed St Mary's Cathedral in Sydney where a wedding party was ascending the stairs and she rolled down the window and yelled "don't do it !" as we flashed by.

Did the couple know who yelled at them?

And by a bizarre co-incidence I had known Dodi Fayed very well and once stayed in his Park Lane flat for a month. How she ended up with Dodi- boring, short, sexless (mostly because of his voracious Cocaine habit), spoiled, uninteresting, no conversation,..a complete mystery as to why she even bothered.
Obviously a very complicated Sloane Ranger thrown into a bizarre situation.

My other Meghan Markle complaint : her smile. It's so Hollywood and unlike any other Royal. She's the Royal Family's own Kardashian.

But maybe I'm wrong and it will be a huge success.
I'n not usually though.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
Anti-Royals love to make a loud noise, but it never changes the fact that the Royals remain very popular.

It's been the same story for centuries, and not just in the UK.

If there was no monarchy, the anti brigade would soon find someone to target.
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Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
In The Know wrote:
tdf wrote:
Speaking as a constitutional Irish nationalist...I wish them well and I think they will be very happy together.

I think we all wish them well (as we would with any newly married couple) ... but the omens do not look good.

Just think what Hollywood fee she will command AFTER the divorce !

... and he is an accident waiting to happen. I said many years ago that he was trouble.
Feel slightly sorry for him ... after all he has been through but he still HAS to play the Royal game !

Their personal happiness is not something ever taken into consideration .... will she breed? will she keep her mouth shut?
These are the questions that matter to them.

Will she cope with more ridiculous, stupid and pointless questions asked by the media?

I wonder if she will be told when to have sex without contraception?
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In The Know

Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
PaulB wrote:
It's been the same story for centuries, and not just in the UK.

quite right ... the Russians, Greeks and French knew how to deal with their Royalty !
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In The Know

Re:the End of The Monarchy 6 Years, 9 Months ago  
andrew wrote:
I wonder if she will be told when to have sex without contraception?

of course !

Its all planned / organised.
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