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Why no one should ever be a teacher
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TOPIC: Why no one should ever be a teacher

Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
We hear day after day about kids terrorising people on streets around the UK while the POLICE say they cant do anything. Some of their victims even commit suicide.

Then - we see what the POLICE do prosecute and why.

This is a POLICE state. If the teacher had told a racist joke then he would be sacked. In addition the kid could have done anything even set fire to the classroom - and he would have been let off with a warning.

The UK is a mess. The BBC continues to promote the crazy anti English and anti Tory mantra this week. They attack the Tories at every opportunity - just watch the conference coverage........

We need to get rid of POLITICAL CORRECTINESS - which is a watchword for persecuting ordinary people for trying to protect themselves - their property etc.

No wonder our schools are in such a state - where pupils are allowed to prosecute their teachers when they are badly behaving.

Education Education Education - joke.
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The Fat Controller

Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
My schooldays (some years ago...not telling how many) involved being hit...a lot! I recall being given ten of the best with a plimsoll by a female teacher...something I'd pay good money for today (joke). Did it instill discipline? No. It just made pupils more fearful of being assaulted by fully grown adults. This guy locked a kid in a cupboard. A better way would have been to allow the pupil to tell the joke, and then explain why it might be offensive. That would be good teaching.

The teacher in fact seems the one blighted by political correctness, if he can go to such extreme lengths to silence a pupil.

Not sure I understand BR? The teacher in this case got it very wrong.
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
I agree BR-I don't know why any man..and soon woman, would want to take the risk of being a teacher these days....It's not as though they are even paid a lot.

Unless there were CCTV cameras watching every move -about the only time these intrusive cameras could be of use.

I'm not sure where the UK is headed. I see Cameron and the hopeless Lord Freud are both taking silly pills and threatening a shake-up of welfare with the most useless range of 'reforms' that the idiotic John Howard brought into Australia 10 years ago and which failed miserably.

Except in one instance-the privatization of job-seeking and tossing off those on disability support pensions onto job-seekers benefit with so-called "support' from private or charity companies helped the wife of the current PM Kevin Rudd (70% approval rate for the last 2 years)-Therese Rein build a $100M fortune with a world-wide job-seeking corporation.

That is today's politicians..Oz had a far-right PM for 10 years who slavishly followed the policies of Britain's Nu Labour and now you have the Tories with a leader who looks like adopting the policies of an Oz political party that have been plunged into the wilderness for a decade.

And Rupert Murdoch's fingerprints are all over the place !

(and the poor old Opposition Leader..Malcolm Turnbull-Angela Lansbury's nephew and a really nice bloke hovers on 18%)
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Removing a pupil from the classroom if they are disruptive is surely a RIGHT a teacher should have. Otherwise classrooms will descend into anarchy. This teacher did not throw anything at the pupil - he did not beat him - he just removed him.

Surely removing a disruptive pupil is essential for good education.

The other members of that class should sue the Magistrate for ruining their education by allowing this disruptive pupil to remain in their class and ruin their learning.

It is time the SILENT DECENT MAJORITY stood up and said NO MORE - why should one naughty child hold the rest of the class ( and teacher ) to ransom like this.

This is why our education has gone from 7th to 24th place in the World. Our education has COLLAPSED under NEW LABOUR ( Lots of shiny new buildings - but the classes are dumbed down and full of screaming abusive kids - and just watch You Tube footage if you want to see this )

Surely it is time to give the TEACHER new powers - which include the right to physically remove a student if they refuse three times to leave ?

Otherwise being a teacher is a waste of time and tax.
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The Fat Controller

Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Powers to do what? Hit? Slap? Punch? Whip? Those were the bad old days. The days when children had to be seen but not heard. The days when the authorities wanted you to put up and shut up. Far far worse than anything under the present government. You are surely not advocating a return to such days?

Your views BR appear to conflict with one another. On the one hand you want more freedom of expression but on the other you believe the classroom should be a starting point for enforced repression under a cloud of fear. Very very new labour if you ask me.
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
I advocate that teachers have the right to discipline a pupil. Removing a pupil from the classroom using minimum force necessary is part of that right.

The Police have this right - the army have this right - politicians have this right - firemen have this right.

Therefore it is not New Labour at all to ask for teachers to have this right - which they had until 1997 under the Tories.

I dont believe in Corporal Punishment or hitting anyone. Just the right to remove those who stop others learning.

Our classrooms are now akin to jungles in most state schools outside the top few. That is the reality. It shows on the streets of every town and city - where feral youth run wild - and then as they hit 18 years old we see riots every Friday and Saturday - which Satellite TV channels seem to film every weekend for some Police reality series......

Our society is breaking down - where the weak now have no protection. This has led to murders and suicides in the last few years because the New Labour mantra of punishing the victim and letting the criminals off the hook.

Who is wrong in the above story : The teacher of 62 years old who wants to teach a lesson OR the child who wishes to tell racist jokes and contstantly disrupts the lesson ? That gives you the answer about who should be disciplined.

That child should be suspended from that school and only allowed back on a contract. ( This is New labour policy - and reasonable if enforced ) But the reality is that the teacher ends up in court with a criminal record FOR JUST DOING HIS JOB. That cant be right - and is surely why no decent person will consider TEACHING AS A CAREER. Society is now AGAINST teachers because the lunatics have taken over the asylum - for want of a better phrase.

The UK is run by a junta of "Trough" loving politicians who only want to increase their own wages and lifestyles. Look at KING TONY - about to get a £3.5 million job with huge house - 20 staff - and so on......why ?......for wrecking the UK ? for starting the biggest illegal war in history ? for killing 1 million muslims ? Why is HE being rewarded with such a job ?

This is why our country is in such a state. Kids want to be pop singers ( even when they cant sing a few notes and look pug ugly ) rather than be decent citizens and help others. The New Labour dream is SELF SELF SELF first and get as much MONEY as possible.

Harriet Harman broke the law THREE times in her car - but walked away with utter contempt for the legal system - she knows that it DOES NOT APPLY to her. The POLICE wont prosecute HER for her crimes - but they will prosecute a 62 year old teacher for trying to teach his lesson for his children.

This is a sorry day for the UK.
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The Fat Controller

Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
Not sure how you 'forceably remove' a pupil from a classroom without using some form of violence. Sorry BR, I'm totally against teachers manhandling pupils. Otherwise we return to the days of old. Brainwashing begins at birth and crime is often fuelled by 'discipline' within the home or the school.

I'm surprised BR you are on the side of the teachers. I thought you'd be the angry Malcolm McDowell character from 'If' on the roof with a machine gun...

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The Fat Controller

Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
..and furthermore BR you now sound like a Tory...those whose policies aren't much different from the current lot. Are you an arnarchist or a tory? I'm not sure anymore.
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
'IF' brilliant and rarely shown.

I don't believe in any physical punishment of children including students...particularly after my English master used to give 6 of the best and take a running leap with his face twisted in rage. The poor man clearly had severe problems which he relieved by thrashing young boys with a rod.

Not sure if I believe this tale..we know there can always be a lying little brat. What is unfortunate is the poor teacher's life being exposed and he'll probably go on to some ridiculous 'list' on a computer.

If he manhandled the kid it's wrong but a person's life should not be wrecked by one mistake.
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Emma Bee

Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
At one of our teacher/parent meetings there was the discussion about what powers of discipline or control a teacher should have. One silly mother said that teachers should never be able to physically handle her child. We all knew that her son was a school bully. She said that if he was seen bullying someone they should call her and she would come and discipline him. I piped up and asked her, what if it was her son being beaten up? Should the teachers stand by and allow it to continue until the parent of the other child could get there? She seemd to not have an answer for that.

I remember physical punishment in schools, but never any brutality. The only claims of brutality came from those who didn't like being punished even though their punishment was generally deserved. I'm sure there were one of two teachers who abused their powers, but it was hardly a comon occurance.

The reason why teachers should have some powers of reasonable punishment is because kids today know they can get away with anything. The worst that will happen is that they'll be suspended, which often suits them just fine.
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
is it any surprise that the generation of kids who could not be disciplined at school have turned into the worst lawless, inconsiderate, aggressive, nasty bunch of young people ever seen in a single generation ?
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
"he took hold of his sweatshirt collar with one hand and the waistband of his trousers with the other and hauled him out."

Good grief! Is this all that happened? What a load of fuss over nothing. Now all kids have been given the mesage that they can do what they like. My teachers would have taken my by the scruff of the neck if I'd ignored them in that way, and then I'd have been given an extra punishment from my dad, and they would have been right. Nip this kind of impudence in the bud. Better to suffer a short whack, learn a valuable lesson and make more of an effort to do better in life, than to assume being racist and ignoring authority is ok and waste your life in and out of various kinds of trouble.

Physical punishment (which this didn't even come close to) should be a very last resort, but there is a real, and very harsh, world that kids have to face after their school days. Once they pass 16 they'll find that they've lost the cozy over-protection and idol status of childhood and they'll be treated just as crappily as the rest of us. They need to be prepared for this.

Out of interest .. how would you guys have handled this if you were the teacher? Would you just sit, ignore it, and let him continue? Would you keep on asking him to stop until the bell sounded? Would you cower behind your desk? Or maybe you'd call for someone else and let them take responsibility. It's easy to condemn, but what are your realistic alternatives, other than suspending the kid and giving him full licence to do whatever he likes to whoever he likes whenever he chooses?
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
I like the Fat Controller's approach; allow the kid to tell the joke and then, smiling sweetly, rip him to shreds verbally making him look pathetic, bigoted and brain dead.

When the entire class is mocking him, he'll learn how to behave.

Plus with kids being so hefty these days and me so puny, he'd probably kick the shit out of me if I tried anything physical, plus make false allegations about sex abuse and I'd probably end up with life in Belmarsh.
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Re:Why no one should ever be a teacher 14 Years, 7 Months ago  
JK - sadly if the teacher did what you suggested then he would find his car smashed up when he left school that day and probably find that allegations would be made against him as well.

Teachers are not allowed to "be-little" their pupils these days - that is a sackable offence.

Teachers have no tricks left in their cupboard to enforce discipline against the small minority who wreck lessons.....

Education is important - not brainwashing as under New Labour - but there needs to be discipline in classrooms to achieve that. Exciting lessons are the main thing - but as we all know a small percentage of kids dont want to be in school. Should they be allowed to rule the majority who enjoy learning ?

I dont believe in the National Curriculum or Testing at every age. But I do believe every human should be given the tools for life - reading - writing - basic maths - history - use of evidence - lifestyle choices and chances to explore what they are interested in.

Why should a racist kid come before any of that ?

I do support teachers - because they made a difference in my life. I dont support Politically Correct Indoctrination Enforcers - as some have become but there are many people who WOULD teach if schools went back to educating rather than brainwashing kids with a political agenda.
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