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King of Hits
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This area will carry and convey legal developments and updates
Those hundreds - thousands - of victims of false allegations will find contacts and suggestions that may assist them from acquiring wrongful convictions.
Those many voices who profit from such miscarriages of justice, be it financially or through increased circulation and ratings, will howl with hatred and protest at the possibility of exposure.
But we will continue to fight for justice, truth, decency, fairness and honesty.
Qualities despised by the benefactors of evil.
Regular updates will follow.
Any questions or tips or valuable information can be confidentially E-Mailed to... 
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Date Item Title
Monday, 06 April 2009 More false allegations.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009 Further legal precedent decision by the ECHR
Thursday, 27 November 2008 A precedent for those wrongly accused of historic sex abuse
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 Why don't prisoners come to court?
Thursday, 09 October 2008 False Accusers Are Abusers
Sunday, 10 August 2008 Why I am not and never have been a Paedophile
Monday, 09 June 2008 Thousands of photos...???
Saturday, 10 May 2008 Prison
Monday, 07 April 2008 Juror's occupations
Wednesday, 26 March 2008 Drugs and false accusations - a link.
Monday, 17 March 2008 Lord Woolf on prisons
Friday, 14 March 2008 Lawyer letter in the Guardian
Saturday, 08 March 2008 Thank God for a Judge with common sense
Friday, 17 August 2007 REMORSE - I answer your questions
Saturday, 26 May 2007 Judge Paget's Exact words when giving sentence
Tuesday, 27 March 2007 PRISON - I've been there; I've seen it; I've experienced it
Friday, 09 March 2007 Anonymity for those accused of sex offences - my views
Thursday, 02 November 2006 Very frightening law... enabling prison before you've done anything
Tuesday, 17 October 2006 Brilliant news; the tide is turning!
Thursday, 12 October 2006 Legal Aid changes
Saturday, 30 September 2006 Woman in 30's has sex with 12 year old and gets 3 years...
Wednesday, 13 September 2006 In ONE day; THREE decisions on false allegations!
Tuesday, 27 June 2006 Valerie Grove's excellent TIMES article today 27/6/2006
Thursday, 22 June 2006 Yet another crucial Court of Appeal decision...
Thursday, 01 June 2006 Interesting Court of Appeal decision
Saturday, 22 April 2006 Times report on Darryl Gee decision...
Friday, 14 April 2006 The "salt poisoning" baby case transcript is fascinating...
Thursday, 06 April 2006 George Galloway beats News of the World in the "Fake Sheikh" scam
Friday, 17 March 2006 The Sun P3 today - naked schoolgirls
Friday, 03 March 2006 The Kurse of King as the News of the World gets sued...
Thursday, 02 March 2006 Link to Inside Time article mentioned below...
Friday, 24 February 2006 Check out P14 of the March INSIDE TIME...
Thursday, 23 February 2006 Essex Boys appeal lost - for God's sake why?
Friday, 17 February 2006 Roy Meadow wins appeal against being struck off... GOOD!
Wednesday, 15 February 2006 Clare Dyer in Guardian p8 15th Feb on Quashed convictions - or not
Thursday, 09 February 2006 Interesting Mersey Care NHS v Ackroyd on protecting sources
Monday, 06 February 2006 Times Law Report on Galloway/Telegraph decision
Monday, 06 February 2006 Law Reports; Developments; Precedents
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